Chapter 220


In just one moment, Saint Jalmack had brough terror upon the Holy land. The entire land had been consumed in flames, almost every house burned or had been wiped off the map. The gate leading into the Pangaea Castle had blown open and all the guards surrounding it, including Jalmack's escort, had died immediately.

Up in the sky, you could see millions of tiny black dots. Those dots got much bigger, very quickly. Soon they were close enough to identify. They were people. In fact, they were soldiers, belonging to Gotei. They approached the ground very fast and soon they all landed on the ground and shook the foundation of the earth thanks of their numbers alone.

"GOOD TO FINALLY BE HERE!!" Lubbock and Vash yelled at the same time, then looked at each other. "First one to kill one hundred nobles wins?" Vash said to Lubbock and the boy nodded.

"You're on! That's if there's even any left! HAHAHA!" Immediately they rushed off and disappeared within seconds. Now, with them gone, you had the entire Gotei army standing by. Millions of soldiers at the beck and call of Amell. In front of this army stood the emperor himself.

"Your Majesty! What are your orders?" A captain in the army asked while prostrating in front of his Lord.

"Lead the charge! Kill everyone. No one up here is free of sin, they all have a fated meeting with our blade." Amell spoke without any form of emotion. As soon as his voice left his mouth, the ground around him started to freeze. This was the physical representation of his current mindset. His heart was now ice-cold. It had to be so now.

"YOU HEARD HIS MAJESTY! IT IS TIME FOR US TO SHOW THE RESULT OF OUR TRAINING! KILL THEM ALL! CHARGE!" The captain yelled loud enough for his entire army to hear him. And, truly, there was no majestic sight that could ever top the wonder and awe you felt when watching several million soldiers charging at one time. They shook the ground and air with their combined aura, that was fueled by their intense killing intent.

"Lord Father! What are we to do? Should I go take care of the elders?" Bradley asked.

"No, you take the commanders and deal with the Light unit, as well as Kong. I believe he should at least die with dignity, and I think you will allow him that. Am I right?"

"Yes, Lord Father! I believe Kong deserves a noble death!" Bradley bowed and signalled the commanders that were still left here.

"Let's go!" They all disappeared in a burst of speed. This would not be like the war with Kaido, or the war between Whitebeard and the marines. The commanders were this time, allowed to use their full strength.

"Is it time then?" Shanks who stood behind Amell said.

"Are you ready? I can take care of it if you're not willing!"

"No, master! I appreciate you doing all this just so I can get here. What kind of man would I be if I backed out now? I would be a failure to this world, and to you, master, who trained me for this moment."

"For who you are here to kill, backing out would not make you a failure. It would also show that I raised you right." Amell said with a smug smile.

"Maybe I should call you, dad?" Shanks laughed.

"I beg you to not joke about that. I adopt way too many kids nowadays. I don't think I need a bigger family than I already have."

"You're breaking my heart... Dad!" Shanks had to dodge under a casual swing from Amell's arm, that if it had connected would have killed the red-haired emperor.

"Enough with the useless banter. Get going already." Amell pointed towards the castle in the distance.

"Just wanted to annoy you for what might be our last time conversing. Who knows what I'll become after today." Shanks lost his calm and happy expression. He took on a more sour one while taking his first step towards the place where his life long goal resided.


Vash and Lubbock had already caused mass hysteria. Any surviving noble they came across had all died in the absolute most horrible ways. Spiked alive against a wall, tongue ripped out from their mouth. The barbaric nature of their killings had reached the extreme. But, maybe people could argue that eight hundred years of slavemasters and extreme torture had finally caught up with these nobles, and now they were getting what they deserved.

"NOW, THIS IS SOMETHING WORTH LIVING FOR!" Lubbock screamed at the top of his lungs as his strings ripped the body of another noble in half. He looked to Vash with a winning smile. "That's fifty-five!" He yelled victoriously.

"HAHA! You are surely kidding me? Fifty-five? Only? I myself am on my seventy-third meal!" Vash stood with a savage expression as he shot nobles hiding behind walls or running away. The distance didn't matter to him. He could kill them five meters away or five miles. His guns had yet to show a limit. Only his eyes prevented him from reaching new heights.

"WHAT! NO FAIR! I don't have any guns! Give me some!" Lubbock's rage went throught the roof as he swiped his hand and cleaved a mansion in two with one string.

"Pretty sure I'm winning!" Vash turned around and saw a woman running out of a house, probably trying to get to the castle where Kong was situated.

"I see youuuu..." Vash let his voice drift into the distance and past the woman as he lifted his gun. "BAM!" And the woman's head exploded like a watermelon getting hit by a sledgehammer. "I will sleep well tonight!" Vash started to whistle and jumped over towards another area where he picked up more life signatures.

