Chapter 3

Hanabi and her cousins arrived at the Shadow Sect village without any harm. The villagers are busy setting up the decorations on the streets and stalls for the opening of their grand festival the next day.

Hanabi looked out the window and she was in awe. It has been 10 years since she last saw the grand festival of the Shadow sect. While having her time looking at the busy crowd, her grandfather started to lecture her again.

"Now that we are here, you must be on your most behave attitude. I do not want you to go rampaging around like a lost bull in a city. We are seeing the chief village so act like a lady for once. Don't speak vulgar words even if the situation is not to your liking. Is that clear, Hanabi?" her grandfather said sternly.

"I know, I know," Hanabi simply replied and she felt her cousin's hand patting her head.

"Behave yourself, okay?" Haru teased. "Don't be a red bull on a loose."

Hanabi glared at him and slapped his hand.

"I ain't a bull, blockhead," she retorted.

As their carriage made a stop, Hanabi could see men standing at the entrance of the huge house they just entered in.

"Remember what I have told you," her grandfather reminded before stepping out of the carriage. Haru followed and she was the last one to come out.

They walked towards the men on the porch and Hanabi's eyes immediately looked at the lady standing at the farthest right. The lady is giving out a friendly aura. Hanabi immediately concluded that she is brought up really well especially that she is well-dressed that night and she knows that she is also well-mannered.

"I'm more than happy to see you here," the chief village greeted. "I apologize for the sudden notice."

"Don't make a big deal out of it," said Hyuuga, Hanabi's grandfather.

Haruno, the chief village of the Shadow sect, looked at Hanabi. His smile grew wider.

"Is that Hanabi?" he asked.

"Yes," Hyuuga replied.

"Let us all have dinner so I could introduce my nephew," said Haruno. They all entered and walked the long and wide hallway.

Hanabi was last in line and she was quiet until the lady she saw spoke to her.

"I can smell an uncultured swine here," she snorted as she covers half of her mouth with a fan.

Hanabi raised her eyebrow.

"Sorry, I don't want to strangle an old lady who couldn't fight," Hanabi replied. "It would be pitiful."

After saying that, she walked at a faster pace and went beside Haru. She pinched him at his side which made the guy almost yelp.

"What the hell is your problem, Hanabull?" he asked with gritted teeth.

"I'm overflowing with annoyance right now, Haru," Hanabi replied with a smile.

"Whatever happened, I'm going to get back at you after dinner," he hissed. "That hurts a lot, you  pig."

Hanabi simpy ignored him.

"That woman must be the lover of the chief village's nephew. I could sense her hatred towards me, who will be wed soon to her lover. Hmmmm. She might be a help in interfering the so-called engagement. If they already has a relationship, they should just reveal it to the chief village. If they go against them, they should just pack up and go somewhere else. Happy ending for them and for me."

Hanabi's thoughts were interrupted when Haru grabbed her hand as they enter the dining hall.

A lot of men were there and only few women. Hanabi could smell the delicious food and her mouth starts to water.

"Don't pig out," Haru whispered as he puts some food on her plate. "Eat with grace."

Hanabi rolled her eyes and started her meal.

Her eyes sparkled as the food touched her tongue.

"I bet you liked it," Haruno commented as he sees the lively reaction of Hanabi.

"I love it," she replied happily. She tried another dish and made thumb up.

Her grandfather almost face-palmed with her actions.

"Hanabi, you brat!"

Haru hits her with his elbow but Hanabi simply ignored him and continued savoring the mouth-watering dishes.

"Where's Hayabusa?" she heard Chief Haruno whispered to the lady.

"No worries, he is on his way," Kagura replied with a smile. Haruno simply nodded before continuing to converse with Hyuuga.

Kagura stared at Hanabi who is just eating across her.

"Hanabi," she called out.

Hanabi looked at her as a response.

"I'm glad you like my cooking," Kagura said with a smile.

"Yeah," she simply replied. "Should I hire you to be my cook?"

"Oh, I'm too busy for that. I took a day off from training just to cook for you," replied Kagura with a visible annoyance plastered on her face.

"Oh, that's great," Hanabi said after gulping her soup. "I must be an important person now that you have skipped training for me."

Their conversation was interrupted when the sliding door opened.

"I apologize for being late," a guy said.

He sat beside Kagura and Hanabi stared at him.

"He must be the nephew. Not bad. He's got looks. But these two together remind me of two people back then. Hmmmmmm... Are they the kids I used to rival with 10 years ago?"

"Hayabusa," Haruno called out. "The woman in front of you will be your rival in attaining the title of Scarlet Shadow Grandmaster."

Hanabi and Hayabusa stared at each other. Hanabi slurped her noodles without breaking eye contact with Hayabusa.

"Don't underestimate her just because she is a woman," Haruno added. "You two may be rivals but you'll be wed after finding the traitor of the Shadow faction. So, get along well."

Kagura rolled her eyes. She slid her hand across Hayabusa's arm and fed him.

"My dishes are the best, aren't they?" she said with an ear to ear smile.

"Yeah, as usual," Hayabusa replied.

Hanabi cringed from what she saw. She felt goosebumps and let her tongue out which Haru saw and gave her another hit on her belly.

"Ouch!" Hanabi hissed.

"Behave," he whispered.

"Okay, okay," Hanabi replied while rolling her eyes.

"Hanabi, you're already 20 years old, right?" Haruno asked.

"Yes, chief," she replied politely.

"Hayabusa is turning 21 next month and I am thinking that you'd stay here to be his sparring partner," the chief village said.

"I apolo---,"

Hanabi's answer was cut off by her own grandfather.

"Of course! She's willing to do so," Hyuuga said as he looked at his granddaughter with his fierce eyes.

Hanabi didn't back down, she stared back.

She, then, saw him clench his fist with his thumb wrapped by his other four fingers. This sign means that her Higanbana will be taken from her. She wouldn't want that to happen so she gave in.

"Of course, I'd love to," she finally said.

While Kagura is flirting with Hayabusa, Hanabi finished her meal and left earlier.

She jumped from roof to roof until she reached a cliff. She took a deep breath before screaming her anger out. Her voice echoed through out the cliff.

"Hanabi," she heard a familiar voice. Her cousin, Haru, sat down beside her.

"Sorry, I couldn't do anything," he apologized.

"Don't apologize. We can't do anything about it. Grandfather is in control," she said as her tears rush down her cheeks.

Haru put his arm around her and let her cry on his shoulder.

"I want to find the traitor alone," Hanabi said when she calmed down.

"Don't," Haru argued. "If you do it alone, you'd die."

"But this situation is just against my will. The marriage. The long stay in this village."

"I could help you stop the marriage," Kagura said from behind who has been watching Hanabi.

"Tch, what a woman. Eavesdropping?" Hanabi snorted.

"But what is your plan?"