Chapter 14

Four days had passed and Hanabi is lying low, wanting Hayabusa to come back to the village so she could execute her plan.

Their wedding will be held a day after Hayabusa's arrival for Hanabi pleaded the Chief to make haste in their wedding plan.

"Why are you rushing things, Hanabi?" Kagura asked who is with the dark-haired girl in her room.

"We do not know what will happen if we do not follow through with the plan. We have to be one step ahead before another crisis comes," Hanabi replied which made sense so the white-haired girl did not ask anymore questions.

"Hayabusa will surely arrive at any minute now. He'll be reporting to the chief first and surely, he'll come here," Kagura said.

The two waited with patience. Hanabi cannot be still for she is itching just by thinking of her plan. When she heard a knock on the door, she immediately stood and opened it.

Hayabusa, wearing his combat clothes and his mask, was dragged inside the room.

"So, what did you find out?" Hanabi asked as she push the shadow ninja on the chair.

"Haya, I'm glad you came back," Kagura greeted as she gives him a hug. Hanabi, with her hand on her hip, rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Stop being lovey-dovey in front of me, it's making me cringe, seriously. Hayabusa, what information do you have about Hanzo?" the dark-haired girl interrupted.

Kagura lets her lover go and rolled her eyes as well in annoyance for their reunion was interrupted by someone who does not understand the language of love.

"Hanzo is currently in Kyoto, searching for the headquarters of the Kira organization. For sure, he'll join their group. He also has his guard up, we could not get near him for he might sense our presence," Hayabusa replied.eiie

"I see, so he was with them," Hanabi simply responded. "You two better prepare for tomorrow. The final ceremony must be attended by Kagura."

After saying such, Hanabi left without excusing herself. She heads to the stables and found good horses. The Shadow sect has been known for their best choice of horses from which they trade from other countries. At the far end of the stables, she saw a hazelnut-colored horse which is more well-kept compared to the others. A smile formed on her lips as she caresses the horse's mane.

The morning came, Hanabi and Hayabusa are already set for their wedding while Kagura is wearing the same wedding kimono and headdress like that of Hanabi. She feels nervous for they will be doing something dangerous but excited as well for she will be wed to her Hayabusa.

Hayabusa knew that Hanabi is not in love with him but he feels like something is off that day. He felt that something bad is going to happen but he chose to ignore his gut feeling.

Their grandeur wedding is attended by all the villagers, all joyous for the Scarlet and Shadow sects shall merge into one after so many years.

Hanabi, wearing her white wedding kimono and bearing the weight of her headdress, is now being carried to the venue of their wedding. She lets out a long exhale to calm herself before she steps out of the carriage and a wave of cheering crowd greeted her. She flashed them a smile as she waits for Hayabusa. He is wearing a black kimono, on his back is the embroidered symbol of the Shadow Village.

Hanabi and Hayabusa bowed at each other before the bride took her groom's hand and they both walked the isle towards the altar where the leading priest is waiting for them. The Chief village is also there to witness the joining of their factions.

Each step Hanabi takes is a count down for her final plan. She can't help but wear a smile for in a short minute, she'll be away from this. As she and Hayabusa bowed down at the priest, Kagura is ready for her shift.

The ceremony was going well and only the final stage is yet to happen, the exchange of the bride's and groom's sake. The two golden cups of sake are on the table, waiting to be drunk by the groom and bride.

But in all of a sudden, countless of fireworks shot up right to the sky from behind the wedding ceremony. During this time, all attention are distracted giving Kagura and Hanabi to switch positions.

The chief believes that the fireworks is a sign of good luck but at this very moment, he senses something bad. They all turned their attention back to the couple who is now holding the cup of sake. They only have little time and they'll be announced as husband and wife but when the two of them is about to drink, the chief interrupted them.

Kagura and Hayabusa could not keep still. The groom suddenly felt that tje gut feeling that has been bothering him since the moment he woke up is now happening.

"Stop the ceremony!" the chief yelled which made a commotion. "Take off the headdress of the bride!"

No one dared did his order for it is a disrespect if the woman's headdress is removed by another man.

"You dare fool me and people! This is a shameful act!" Chief Haruno announced as he takes off the headdress of Kagura which revealed her silver-coloured hair.

"Do you think you could fool me?" the chief asked. "Hanabi is much taller than you are. She also have dark hair. Do you know the consequences of your actions?"

The chief looked at Hayabusa and Kagura who held each other's hand for support. "Imprison them! Soldiers, search for Hanabi."

Kagura's mother came running to her and stopped the ninjas who are straining her daughter but a pair of soldiers came to restrict her.

On the other hand, Hanabi is riding the hazelnut-coloured horse going out of the Shadow sect village and is heading back to her town.

"Where is Hanabi?" Kagura impatiently scoffed while inside the prison while Hayabusa is imprisoned across her cell.

"I should have known," he said with gritted teeth.

"Known what?" the woman asked.

"Hanabi made us her escape goat, she took advantage of our situation and left us," he replied. "From the very beginning, she is actually planning to leave the village. It all makes sense now as to why she wanted to rush the wedding."

"It is not good for her as well to leave the village. She'll be devastated upon seeing the current Scarlet village. It'll be her karma," Kagura said.

After some time, footsteps echoed through the hallway, and the two guessed that the chief is now on his way.

Hayabusa regretted in taking their plan into action. He should have considered that their plan would fail. He should have considered the fact that Hanabi is only using them to escape. Now that everything happened, they'd have to face the wrath of Chief Haruno. Will Kagura be able to take the pain of their punishment? That is his most concern.