Chapter 19

Shizuka lets out bitter laugh as she circles Hanabi who is getting weaker due to her wound. The kunais have poison on them and if not healed, she'll have the chance to die.

"You see, your family has always been the reason why my clan is always at the second rank. Just because your great grandmother has been gifted with the Higanbana, your family had always thought that only your bloodline have the right to use it. Without even considering the skills, the talent and wisdom, your rotten family thought they're the most powerful," she remarked as she drags her katana behind her which makes a screeching sound.

Hanzo is very well-entertained for he is witnessing the inside rivalry of the Scarlet faction.

"In addition, your father!" Shizuka exclaimed as she points her katana towards Hanabi's face. "He killed my father accusing him of treason which he never committed! My family has always been loyal to yours but what did we get? Pure accusations! Your grandfather even casted us out from the village! It is only right for them to be lying on their cold graves."

Hanabi gritted her teeth for such false accusations. She glares at Shizuka and stares at her emerald eyes.

"It is only your grandfather who remained loyal! Your father secretly gathered his own troops to rebel against the whole faction! Don't you go around spitting lies right in front of me who knows the whole truth!" Hanabi replied. With the poison continually spreading inside her body, her fair skin grew paler.

"You do not know the whole truth for you are only fed with white lies ever since you were born!" Shizuka insisted.

She tightly holds her katana and swiftly swings it towards the neck of Hanabi. Hanzo flinched for he is taken by surprise. He is about to interrupt Shizuka but her katana froze in place before it touches Hanabi.

The Higanbana which is composed of two vipers came into life. With their mouth wide open, revealing their fangs, they are about to lunged at the dark-haired lady but Hanzo swings his sword in time and shot the two bronze vipers at the back of the cave. Hanabi is lying down on the ground, pale and unconscious.

Hanzo looked away from her and took Shizuka by her waist and left.

"Let go of me!" Shizuka struggled but Hanzo is way stronger than her that she could not get away from his grasp.

Despite being soaked due to the storm, Hanzo laid Shizuka down and sucked on the nape of her neck. Shizuka blushed like hell and froze in place for the sudden direct contact from the assassin.

After a while, Hanzo stops and spits the venom he sucked out.

"You'd be safe for now. We gave to go back to Kyoto and give you proper medication. You're insensitive of your surroundings and haven't noticed one of the viper had bitten you," he said as he puts his mask on.

Shizuka may have seen his face only for a slight moment but she is sure had that sharp, sexy jawline. She is still stunned after what Hanzo did so the assassin yanked her up, bringing her back to her senses.

Both of them are all wet yet they continued to walk further ignoring the storm.

On the other hand, Kagura was able to reach the Shadow sect village before losing her consciousness. The ninjas guarding the gates spotted her and brought her to the infirmary. Upon hearing the news of Kagura's arrival, the chief village immediately heads to her whereabout.

Chief Haruno stared at the silver-haired lady, her lips are cracked, dry and dehydrated. Her skin is pale which almost became as white as her hair. She must have fainted due to hunger and exhaustion. He wants her to wake up as early as possible to ask why is she alone?

Back at the Amaterasu cave, Hayabusa slowly opens his eyes. Upon regaining back his full consciousness, he felt a sharp pain at the back of his head and other parts of his body. He notices the blankets wrapped around him and the bandages on his wounds. He looked around, hoping he'd see gis saviour and properly thank him for his kindness. But he saw no one, only flickering torches and an empty cave are the ones in sight.

Hayabusa stood on his feet and observed the fluttering fire in order to locate where the wind is coming from. He went south and he could feel the wind which helped him get out from the cave. Upon reaching the entrance, Hayabusa saw the purple-haired lady he is hunting, lying on the cold, hard ground, unmoving. He saw her wounds at her back which is already turning blue, signifying the presence of poison.

He shifted Hanabi's position so he could have access on her wounds. Hayabusa tore some of his clothes so he could wipe off the blood. He, then, brought out a potion he always bring with him and poured it onto Hanabi's wounds. It is cold at the entrance of the cave but Hayabusa has no choice but to guard and wait for Hanabi to wake up. He could not carry Hanabi back in the cave for his wound are too painful to bear.

As the time ticks by, Hanabi's pale skin slowly turned back to being fair. The bluish marks on her back slowly disappears. Hayabusa waited for her to open her eyes but there is no sign of her waking up. It was as if she is in a deep sleep.

Hayabusa stared at her and just then, he notices how good she looks. From her naturally shaped eyebrows to her long eyelashes to her perfectly shaped nose down to her luscious lips. Just by staring at her unconscious, he felt as if he is captivated.

He suddenly came back to his senses and shakes his head. He has to keep in mind that he is tasked to capture Hanabi and bring her back to their village.

A couple of hours had passed and finally, Hanabi regains her consciousness. She suddenly jolts up upon seeing Hayabusa staring down at her but winced at the same time for her wounds opened once more.

"You must be the one who treated my injuries so I only returned the favor," Hayabusa said.

"I bet you are thinking of bringing me back to the Shadow sect village," Hanabi guessed with a bitter smile. "If you are grateful enough, you should let me go."

"Personal affairs must be set aside. My job is to bring you back no matter what," the assassin replied.

"I already helped you and Kagura get married so why come back for me?" Hanabi asked which caused confusion.

"What nonsensical things are you spouting?" Hayabusa replied. "I never married Kagura, not even dated her nor interested in her."

Now, Hanabi is confused for something feels off. Hayabusa would never say something like that for she knew too well how affectionate he is towards Kagura. Just then, a realization hits her.

"He must have temporary memory loss due to the fall and wound on his head," she thought and shook her head. "Poor Kagura."