Chapter 22

Hanabi has a hard time adjusting her sight with the dark. Yes, she has been trained well and has been blindfolded during her training but this? This is not one of her specialty. It is actually one of her weaknesses.

"Sh*t!" she cursed when she felt a hand grabs one of her feet. She is about to struggle free but she is swayed to one side and is thrown on the opposite side. She landed on her side on solid ground, thus, her elbow and lap are skinned.

"So, should I kill you right now for you look so vulnerable here in the dark?" Hanzo asks as he walks towards her.

Hanabi immediately stood and got ready for any attacks, though, she cannot rely on her sight at the moment. She sharpens her hearing as well as her presence of mind and waited for Hanzo's movement.

Hanzo sneaks behind her and elbowed her shoulder, forcing Hanabi to kneel down and grunt in pain. He uses the back of his sword to force Hanabi to hit the ground, almost breaking her spine. Hanabi struggles to stand for she felt like her spine is dislocated.

"What now, Hanabi?" Hanzo asks. "Is this all what you've got? Honestly speaking, you disappointed me for I have expected more fun and interesting fight from you. You're just like your father and grandfather."

Hanzo kneels down to be on the same level as her and whispered, "You are all too weak for me."

He stands up and places his sword behind him.

"You are also just a waste of my time," he remarks.

Hanabi felt so useless and weak. Her pride, her dignity, are all trampled on at the same time by one person. A tear fell down on her cheek. With gritted teeth and clenched fist, she forced herself to stand but to her disappointment, she is down on her knees once more. She could hear the footsteps of Hanzo becoming faint.

Hanabi thought he left but when she tried to stand once more, a painful blow hits her stomach and she is sent flying in midair. She coughed out blood and she started to have blurry vision.

"Is this the end?" she thought. "Is this going to end without me avenging those countless deaths?"

"Suffer more, Hanabi," she heard Hanzo whispered and before she could defend herself, another blow from his sword hits her.

"Damn it," the scarlet ninja cursed. "Damn it. Damn it. Damn you, Hanzo!!"

Hanabi cuts her wrist as she summons her Higanbana. She slid her bloody hand all over her weapon and sang an ancient poem as she falls down deeper in the darkness. Hanzo watches her fall with his emerald eyes.

"Hanzo, are you freaking insane?!" Hanekage screams out as the akuma ninja jumps off the cliff, wanting to save the scarlet ninja.

"Shut up, demon," Hanzo snarled for he is also mad at himself for doing such an idiotic act.

"Why are you trying to save that woman?!" the demon retaliated but it suddenly realized something. "Ah, yes, how could I forget? That woman holds the faintest humanity in you and she has control over your heart."

"I said shut the hell up!" Hanzo snapped for the demon has once again slaps him with nothing but the whole truth.

In all of a sudden, a blinding light shone from below, making Hanzo cover his eyes with his arms. Upon hitting the solid ground, he is in awe. Right in front of him is yet another kind of Hanabi.

Her dark hair returned but her ocean blue eyes are gone. It has turned red. Her Higanbana which were once two vipers turned into black and emerald blades. And at her back are three pairs of spider-like limbs which are holding onto the rock walls, preventing Hanabi to fall. And right behind her is Amaterasu's faint image; long, dark hair and her majestic aura surrounding Hanabi. Her headdress signifies the sun but the blinding light is coming right from her entire being.

"Amaterasu," Hanekage managed to blurt out.

Slowly, the goddess' image starts to fade. When the darkness once covered them, Hanabi sneaks behind Hanzo and swiftly swings her Higanbana.

Hanzo sneered when he felt the painful cut he got from Hanabi. A smirk forms on his lips as he stood up. He could see his own scarlet blood dripping on the ground from the Higanbana.

He was about to open the soul portal but it was too late. Hanabi has already thrown her Higanbana towards him and has disappeared from sight, leaving only black smoke on the trail. Hanzo was fast enough to evade the Higanbana and has chosen to attack Hanabi head on. With both of his hands holding the hilt of his Ame no Habakiri, he assaulted but Hanabi summoned two of her kunais and puts a stop on her enemy's attack.

She summons back her Higanbana from which Hanzo has ignored its presence, thus, attaining more deep cuts from it on his legs. He steps out for a while for he is losing too much blood.

"If only you haven't acted like a knight-in-shining-armour back then, we could have killed her," Hanekage complained which made Hanzo hate himself more for being so weak and let his emotion gain control over him. Hanzo retreated to higher ground before Hanabi could find him. He has to stop the blood on his wounds or else he'll be doomed.

After a few minutes, no sign of Hanabi could be sensed so Hanzo had the chance to cover his wounds. He stood quiet and he could hear the faintest sound of clicking, though he is unsure of what it is. Just then, he sensed Hanabi right in front of him so he immediately used his sword as his shield from the scarlet ninja's attack with her spider-like limbs. If he didn't block that, he is done for. Those limbs are sharp and could have pierced through his body.

Hanabi stood on the ground and starts to walk towards her target.

"Don't you think you've killed enough?" she asks as she turns her Higanbana around her arm. "Don't you think it is time for you to go and visit the world of the dead?"

After saying such, Hanabi threw her kunais sealed with the demonic flower energy called the Soul Scroll. Hanzo evaded them easily but Hanabi smirked for he had taken her bait. Hanabi released her Higanbana while Hanzo is in midair while she once again, vanished from sight. The akuma ninja blocked the Higanbana with Ame no Habakiri but unluckily, Hanabi managed to stab him right on his chest with her Soul Scroll.

Hanzo swings his sword which made the scarlet ninja step back. He held the kunai stuck on his chest and forces it out. He could feel the demonic energy coursing throughout his body. He falls on his knees with only the sword as his support.

"Look at what that woman did to us," Hanekage complained for he himself is being affected by the demonic energy. His powers weakened and could not transform into his original body. "If only you finished her while you have the chance to do so, we could have left this place some time ago. Damn human emotions!"

"Does the energy I gave makes you feel better?" Hanabi asked coldly. It was as if she is not her old self anymore. She is not the Hanabi that Hanzo met in their village for the old Hanabi has warmth in her voice.

"I shall end your suffering right at this moment, Hanzo," she added.

The akuma ninja froze in place, he couldn't move a single muscle. He looks at Hanabi's direction and she's already right in front of him with another Soul Scroll on her hand. She was about to plunge that finishing blow but a powerful energy surrounded the akuma ninja, and had thrown Hanabi away from the ground.

"Don't you think you're going overboard?" a soft voice asks and Hanabi could not pinpoint where it was coming from. "You are actually brave enough to kill my chosen ninja right here in my territory. You do have the guts, I must say."