This Bad Man Was Teasing Her Again

As he spoke, he slowly stepped toward Yu Gangan, forcing her into a dead end. He then leaned forward, placed his lips beside her ear and deliberately brushed them against her gently.

Yu Gangan felt tingles down her spine and subconsciously bit her lip.

Her heart beat furiously as she tried her best to contain her shyness. She then pushed Fang Zhihan away and yelled angrily, "I don't want to talk to you..."

After that, she quickly ran out of the room.

As soon as she closed the door, she patted herself on the chest as her cheeks blushed and her heart raced. This man was teasing her again...but he was honestly handsome.

"Have you finished your consultation, Dr. Yu?" the Director walked over with a smile as he spoke to Yu Gangan.

"Yes," Yu Gangan replied, trying her best to contain her emotions. When she thought about what she was thinking a moment ago, she felt like a criminal that had been caught red-handed.