Snowy Day

Yu Gangan was stunned!

For a moment, she forgot to react as she opened her eyes wide and stared at Fang Zhihan.

She felt shy as a tingly feeling traveled via this kiss to her heart and quickly spread to her extremities, causing her body to lean into his weakly.

She subconsciously let out a sound that immediately woke her up and caused her to fight back.

Fang Zhihan used slight force to retaliate and pulled her into his arms, "Didn't I tell you to keep your distance from that man?"

As soon as he said this, he kissed down on her lips again.

He was repeatedly affectionate towards her and endlessly enjoying it.

Yu Gangan's mind went blank, unable to give a response. All she could do was close her eyes and follow her feelings.

She felt weak and limp like cotton candy; creamy, warm and sweet...

She didn't even notice when Fang Zhihan had stopped kissing her and buried his head into her neck.