It's Because You're Suitable

She deleted the words she typed and replaced it with, 'I'm busy'.

This explained why she wasn't going home without admitting that his home was hers.

But, Yu Gangan realized she was acting melodramatic as her shoulder fell limp and she lay down on the table.

Even though Fang Zhihan was her fake husband, there was no problem with treating his home as hers, why did she have to avoid it. Why did she feel uncomfortable and particularly embarrassed when she heard his name and received news about him.

Suddenly, there was a knock from outside the door.

Yu Gangan put aside her messy thoughts and went to open the door.

Xia Chengzhou was standing outside. His mature and handsome face had a faint smile.

When she thought about the incident with Su Jiushan, Yu Gangan did not want contact with him, "What's wrong, Senior Xia?"

Xia Chengzhou chuckled and asked, "I honestly have something to speak to you about. Do you have time?"