This Auntie...

Unlike Yu Gangan's curiosity and Fang Zhihan's coldness, Ye Xi was a little flustered.

Over the years, he had always paid attention to idols. If he remembered correctly, there were rumors that Gu Shuling from the Gu Family was going to get engaged with Fang Zhihan.

For this reason, he had deliberately spied on Gu Shuling from a distance before.

And this woman was the one in front of them at that moment.

The rumored fiancee and current girlfriend had collided; Ye Xi couldn't help but feel worried about his idol. He was afraid that one wrong move and a fight between the two women would ensue.

So, after hearing Fang Zhihan ask the woman who she was, he froze.

He was shocked.

He then burst into laughter.

Sure enough, rumors were made to be broken, and the world was meant to be subverted.

The woman's expression was a little awkward, unsure of what to say.