Refusing To Admit

Su Jiushan was completely shocked.

When had she been slapped like this before?

Worst of all, she had been slapped by Xiao Xiaoying who was always at her beck and call.

She was both shocked and angry, "Xiao Xiaoying, you're crazy!"

Xiao Xiaoying's red eyes burned like they were on fire, carrying with it a trace of craziness and ferocity.

"I must be crazy and stupid to have listened to everything you say. You even treated me as a scapegoat in the end. Just because I trusted you too much, my mother was scolded and my daughter was threatened, and they are currently hiding at home, too afraid to go out. I thought you were my best friend!" she roared angrily.

She put all her trust into Su Jiushan and always thought for her sake, but she ended up being used.

She was even thrown out to take the blame at a dangerous moment.

Anger quickly rose from the bottom of her heart.