I Am Now Your Auntie

The bruise on the snow-white skin stuck out like a sore thumb. When Fang Zhihan saw it, his expression turned icy, causing the surrounding air to become cold as well.

He glanced at Yu Gangan's medicine chest that was on the shelf and asked, "Is there medicine inside?"

Yu Gangan's face turned hot. Although Fang Zhihan had simply seen her back, she felt like he had seen her entire body, "Yes, I've already applied medicine."

Fang Zhihan stretched his arms, took the medicine chest, opened it and asked, "Which bottle?"

"Never mind," Yu Gangan didn't want him to apply medicine for her, so she refused.

"Then I'll apply a bit of everything," Fang Zhihan said as he picked up two bottles and waved them in front of Yu Gangan.

Yu Gangan's forehead creased, "..."

She glanced at Fang Zhihan and pointed to the small ointment in the second cell.

Fang Zhihan held the bottle, squeezed out a bit of ointment and applied it to her skin.