Master Handsome Is Back (3)

"Master Handsome, you're back. You're finally back."

Yu Gangan's voice trembled with excitement.

She was ecstatic. The fear and worry she had for the last three months disappeared with the hug that she gave her teacher.

He Shigui was knocked back a couple of steps.

A flash of affection appeared in his eyes and landed on the top of Yu Gangan's head. His lips curved into a smile and he reached out his hand to touch her head, "I made you worry."

The missing man had returned after so long, yet he was the one that was comforting her.

The seasons came and went, but he was still the same and his actions were natural. He wasn't overjoyed, but there was a touch of happiness.

However, Yu Gangan knew her teacher just didn't want her to worry.

He looked vulnerable and it was obvious he had experienced a lot of difficulty.

How much did he suffer before he managed to return home?