Who's The Killer? (2)

"Because he was killed and you were missing, the police naturally connected the two of you together. Master Handsome, do you know how he was killed? Did the person that pushed you into the sea think you saw him? Is that why he tried to shut you up forever?"

He Shigui looked down.

He ate the food in his bowl, looked at Yu Gangan and said, "I don't know. Everything happened out of the blue. After the first explosion, I transferred with the crowd and stood at the back while everyone was looking forward. Then when the entire boat exploded, that person pushed me. Since everyone's attention was on the sound of the explosion, no one heard me falling into the water."

"The transfer boat couldn't hold many people," Yu Gangan furrowed her brows. "Master Handsome, can you list down the people that were in the boat with you? We will investigate those people, find the person that pushed you, and bring him/her to justice," she suggested.