My Naughty Girl (3)

It was snowy and cold outside, but the car was filled with warm love and affection.

"From now on, never leave me again!" the man's voice was exceptionally low but it was firm and strong.

Yu Gangan raised an eyebrow and leaned obediently into his arms as she closed her eyes shyly.

She was both shy and nervous.

Her face flushed cherry red as she anxiously tried to turn towards the outside, "Even if I agree to be your girlfriend and agree to be with you, you can't act recklessly."

Her soft voice fell on his heart so lightly that it felt like she didn't say anything at all.

Her breaths paused for less than a second before Fang Zhihan stared at her and an obvious smile appeared on his face.

His supple finger brushed across her cheek and he nodded with seriousness, "OK!"

Yu Gangan smiled comfortably.