Madly In Love With Me And Won't Marry Anyone But Me (2)

"I simpy feel uncomfortable. Why did Big Bro do all this? He harmed himself and others as well. Now he's in the intensive care unit and no one knows if he will wake up, Brother is injured and we don't know if he will recover completely, and Grandfather just got better but he received two consecutive shocks. I'm really afraid. Whenever I'm afraid, I have the urge to cry," as Jiang Qi spoke she whimpered a few times. "Apart from crying, I don't know what else I can do."

Yu Gangan helped her wipe her tears and said gently, "But, crying is useless. Plus, crying too much is bad for your health."

Jiang Qi suddenly stopped before she continued to cry again.

Yu Gangan: "..."

She subconsciously looked at Fang Zhihan in the front seat and Lin Sen who was driving.

These two guys had good tolerance. Jiang Qi was almost flooding the car with her tears, yet these two ignored it like even thunder couldn't move them.