A Fine Line Between Life And Death

Yu Gangan's eyes grew wide. Out of instinct, she squatted down and covered her head with her hands. As she did so, she knocked over a chair, which hit the table in front.


As Yu Gangan screamed and a loud bang was heard, glass smashed and shattered like fireworks.

Everyone in the laboratory was immediately thrown into a panic.

They quickly surrounded the incident, "Hurry, something's happened!"

"Dr. Yu is inside."

"Quick, save her."

"Dr. Yu is in trouble."

"Dr. Yu..."

Everyone was tense and frightened as their hearts almost jumped out of their chests. The laboratory suddenly turned into a mess, but no one dared to step forward to touch Yu Gangan. They simply dialed for emergency.

The laboratory chief trembled as he stepped forward and yelled in an anxious and worried tone, "Dr. Yu."

Why was she squatting on the ground without any reaction?