Accidents and misfortunes

Song Chabai realized that she had spoken too quickly, so she chuckled,""Did I say he was discharged? I think I'm saying he's picking someone up from the hospital?"

Yu Gangan's expression suddenly turned serious,""Song Chabai, there's nothing wrong with my ears. I heard you very clearly. You said that my teacher would be discharged from the hospital and that he would have to be hospitalized first. So, what's wrong with my teacher? What happened to him?"

His tone was tinged with anxiety and uneasiness.

Song Chabai's eyes flickered with guilt.

She stammered and tried to find an excuse, but she couldn't come up with a lie.

Yu Gangan's gaze was sharp like an X-ray that was going to see through her. Song Chabai couldn't take it anymore.

She closed her eyes, steeled her heart, and said,""Your master got into a car accident and was robbed. He was stabbed while trying to save someone and has been in the hospital for a few days."