Yu Gan, gan, gan, Tian

He Shigui was stunned for a moment before he understood what she meant. He smiled helplessly and sighed,""Girls these days are really not cute. Is there any way to change her back? It'd be best if it's when you just come home ..."

"I can't change back," Yu Gangan laughed mischievously."Master handsome, do you still remember what happened back then?"

"Of course I remember. I'm six or seven years older than you ..." He said.

As he Shigui spoke, his memories returned to many years ago.

That year, he Shigui and Grandpa he were on the outskirts of the city when they saw a little girl who had fainted on the side of the road. Grandpa he got out of the car and carried the little girl home.

The little girl's body was full of scars, and her neck seemed to have been strangled.