Mr. Fang, the fish-eating demon

"I want to eat fish ..."

After saying these words, a certain someone's expression and eyes darkened. Yu Gangan couldn't help but ridicule,""Are you a fish-eating demon?"

"Yes, you're right."

Yu Gangan opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but her mouth was blocked.

It was powerful and overbearing.

Her body, her heart, and her life were buried. From then on, they were all stained with his scent.

In the past, Yu Gangan thought Fang zhihan was a cold person. But, during this period of time, she finally experienced how unrestrained a cold person could be.

The Jiang residence.

It was Grand and solemn.

When elder Jiang found out that Yu Gangan and Fang zhihan had returned, he asked Jiang Qi to call them over for dinner.

As soon as elder Jiang saw Yu Gangan, he immediately started scolding,""Who told you to meddle in other people's business? now you've caused trouble. In the future, don't bother with everyone. You're born with eyes to judge people."