Take care of her and sleep with her

This question bothered Lu xuechen for a long time until he felt a little dizzy. Only then did he fall asleep.

While Lin Jiayu was in a daze, she felt extremely hot.

She slowly opened her eyes. There was a hint of white in the sky. It was almost dawn.

Lu xuechen's face was close to her neck. His breath hit her neck and face, and it was as hot as boiling water.

No wonder she felt hot.

It was still raining outside, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier. It knocked on the window, making a pitter-patter sound.

Lin Jiayu subconsciously wanted to push Lu xuechen away, but she realized his body was burning hot.

Did he catch a cold and have a fever because he was caught in the rain? Lin Jiayu reached out and touched Lu xuechen's forehead. It was really hot. He was indeed having a fever!

Lin Jiayu quickly sat up and got out of bed with her hands on her waist. She then brought over some flu medicine and wanted to wake Lu xuechen up.