Who's the newbie and who's the old one ...

Fang zhihan remained cold and indifferent,"what's there to misunderstand?"

He looked at Yu Gangan and waited for her to answer.

After kicking the ball back to her, Yu Gangan laughed and spread her hands,""That's right. What's there to misunderstand? I had playmates when I was young too. Quite a few of them, and they're all boys. I hang out with them often now. We're all friends."

'Gu Yanyu' smiled."That's right, we're all friends. Brother Han, how have you been these few years?"

Fang zhihan looked at Yu Gangan with deep meaning and replied to' Gu Yanyu ',""Very good," he said.

"I haven't been doing too well in the past few years. After I was taken away by the kidnappers, I lost my memory. I was sold to a County and my adoptive parents treated me ..." As 'Gu Yanyu' spoke, her eyes turned red and she looked at Fang zhihan pitifully, hoping he would ask her what was wrong.

But, Fang zhihan remained silent and simply looked at 'Gu Yanyu'.