Quarrelling is a sign of affection, quarrelling is a sign of love

Fang zhihan replied indifferently,""Nothing happened?"

Yu Gangan looked at the man in surprise and confusion,""Nothing much. Why did you hit my master?"

Fang zhihan did not reply. He simply leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

This situation continued all the way home.

He seemed to have recovered, as if nothing had happened, and he did not mention what had just happened.

This made Yu Gangan quite angry.

She had been holding back and waiting, hoping that Fang zhihan would give her an explanation. But, he didn't even want to explain.

After waiting for another half an hour without a word, Yu Gangan finally got angry,""Fang zhihan, what do you mean? Don't you think you should give me an explanation?"

"Didn't I say that it's fine? what's there to explain?"

Yu Gangan was angered by Fang zhihan's nonchalant attitude.

She didn't say anything about the fight, but shouldn't he tell her the reason for the fight? after all, the two men were her family.