Shocking, she's Gu Yanyu (3)

Gu Chen thought she was suddenly unhappy because she didn't like him saying bad things about Fang zhihan ... But, he thought that since they were already together, it wasn't good for him to say bad things about Fang zhihan.

He coughed lightly and continued,"actually, Fang zhihan is quite a good person at times. If he really likes you and is with you, he will definitely treat you well. He won't mess around with you like other men. As for him and my daughter, nothing happened in the past and nothing will happen in the future. You two can just live your lives together."

Yu Gangan held back her shock and returned the photo to Gu Chen, but her hands were trembling slightly.

"What's wrong?"Gu Chen asked with concern.

Did she get a shock when I mentioned Fang zhihan?