Gu Chen looks for his daughter through the fog (4)

Gu shuling took a sip of tea and looked at Ling ni, who was blushing after hearing Zhang yixue's words,""That's right, I also think that Brother Han is the most compatible with you. "

Ling NI's eyes fell on Gu shuling."Really? But, don't you also like Fang zhihan?"

"But I've also said that if I lose to you, I'll accept it wholeheartedly."

Of course, Gu shuling already knew that Ling ni liked Fang zhihan. So, she used a banquet as an opportunity to get to know Ling ni and promised to have a fair competition. And, because of Fang zhihan's respect for Gu Chen, Ling ni would come to play with her sometimes.

However, Ling ni did not think highly of her at all. There were differences in social circles, and Ling NI's social circle was the top among the social circles of the daughters from the rich and powerful families in the capital.

Even so, she would not look for Ling ni unless it was absolutely necessary.