Pretty boy, cheap little brother (2)

A moment later, she calmly said,""I don't care if you believe me or not. You better be polite to me when you see me in the future. Otherwise, I'll ask your dad to stop your card."

"Who Do You Think You Are? do you think my dad will stop just because you told him to? you think too highly of yourself." Gu Nian's eyes widened in shock.

"If you don't believe me, why don't we try it?" Yu Gangan waved her phone around like she was about to give Gu Chen a call.

When Gu Nian returned to the country, he didn't even let Gu Chen know about his return, so how could he let Yu Gangan call him?

"I'll let dad know how scary you are, you bad woman. Give me the phone ..."

He reached out his hand to grab Yu Gangan's phone, but Yu Gangan smacked it away.

Gu Nian was so angry that she was tongue-tied as she subconsciously pointed at Yu Gangan.

Yu Gangan held onto her phone and tapped it on his finger,""What are you pointing at? you know that this action is very rude."