You're super sweet (32)

"When did you become so smart?" Fang zhihan praised.

Yu Gangan's eyes widened.

After a long time, she was so angry that she couldn't speak. She put down her fork and knife."Fang zhihan, you've made me angry today. We're not even married yet and you're already treating me like this. If we get married, you're going to treat me even worse. I need to think about whether we're getting married or not!"

Fang zhihan picked up a piece of meat and placed it in front of Yu Gangan's mouth.

Yu Gangan immediately turned her head away, indicating that she didn't want to eat it in her anger. Fang zhihan said helplessly,""Just now in the office, didn't you see that the assistant gave me Qian Dasheng's information?"

"So ..." Yu Gangan surmised in surprise,""You found Qian Dasheng?"

"It's not Qian Dasheng. "

"If it's not Qian Dasheng, then who did you find? can I go and take a look?"

Fang zhihan hesitated.