You're super sweet (44)

As soon as he ended the call, Yu Gangan asked,""What's wrong?"

"Qian Dasheng ran away."

"What? he ran away?"

Yu Gangan couldn't believe it as her eyes widened in shock. Qian Dasheng was old and his legs were injured. The two bodyguards that took him to the police station were tall and strong, how could they let her escape?

And Qian Dasheng had used his lack of knowledge to trick the two bodyguards.

Seeing that he was old and his legs were disabled, when he said that he wanted to go to the bathroom, the two bodyguards thought that he would definitely not be able to escape. In the end, he took advantage of the opportunity to escape while he was in the bathroom.


Ever since Gu Chen wanted to divorce her, Zhu Yulu had been in a terrible state of mind. Apart from thinking about how to prevent Gu Chen from divorcing her, she couldn't care about anything else.