You're super sweet (63)

After talking to song Chabai, Yu Gangan avoided all the people that Fang zhihan had arranged to stay at the hotel and arrived at the place they had been assigned.

As the cold night wind blew against her face, Yu Gangan's anxiety gradually calmed down.

Sure enough, as she had expected, someone was coming to pick her up at the designated place. A black van stopped in front of her, and the door opened with a screech.

The man wearing a mask inside threatened her to get into the car if she wanted to see little Lele.

Yu Gangan didn't dare to hesitate and immediately sat in the car.

With another bang, the door of the van closed again and sped down the road, not knowing where it was going.

Yu Gangan originally thought the man would knock her out after she got into the car.

In the end, the other party didn't move at all. He only held a dagger and asked her to shut up and be quiet!