Velove of Vladimir

A shrill cries of a woman break the peaceful cold weather in the middle of a winter night. An ugly voice full of hate, disgusts, and agony filled the whole room, making it hard for the midwife to concentrate in delivering the baby.

"Aaah!!! Pull it out! Pull that wretched thing out!" The woman on the bed who was writhing and crying in pain had continuously crying those words for over 2 hours. Her pale and originally beautiful face contorted in agony that would even put ghosts to shame.

"A little bit more madam, push harder a little bit more.." The only midwife and her assistant in the room was helpless against this woman, but fortunately, because of her desire to get away from the almost born baby, the delivery processed quite smoothly.

Another half an hour later, the baby was finally born, but it was very different from the usual atmosphere when the room would fill with happiness, in this one, there were no sounds of cries from the baby although the baby was breathing. The woman who just gave birth also crying with a little energy she had left with a hoarse voice and menace words,"Take that thing far away from me, if it dies that would be better.." then she fainted.

The other two person in the room who had helped her in delivering the baby safely looked at the unconscious woman on the bed with disdain, how could there be a mother like her?

The midwife told her assistant to take care of things with the woman while she cleaned up the baby. She was very worried about the baby because the baby had not even made a sound nor open its eyes. After the baby clean enough, she warped the baby up with a soft fabric and got out of the room then walked towards the room opposite of the delivery room.

Inside the room, there were five people. Old master Vladimir, young master Vladimir, General Shen, and two bodyguards. They had been waiting in the opposite room for 3 hours. When they heard the woman words, they were seething with anger, even old master Vladimir were almost gone to the delivery room to strangle the woman himself, but he needed to be patient because his grandchild hasn't been born yet. Young master Vladimir, as the baby's biological father, his eyes were shooting dagger at the door and his knuckles were so white because of his pent up anger.

General Shen on the other hand, could only swallow his disappointment, angst, and disgust towards this daughter of his. He knew he had failed as a father.

A few minutes later, the door opened and the midwife came in while holding a little baby in her hands.

"How is the baby?" Old master Vladimir impatiently asked the midwife.

"The baby was delivered safely, but something is wrong. She hasn't open her eyes nor cry since she was delivered" The midwife was shaking from fear at the companies of these influential people, she knows perfectly she can't afford to offend any of them.

"Give my child to me" Young master Vladimir can't wait to see his child, he had been so anxious and worried earlier, thinking whether his child would be safely born or not.

The midwife hand over the baby in her arms to the handsome man in front of her. She admit, he is the most handsome man she had ever seen in her life with a brown hair and violet eyes. Victor Vladimir nervously take the tiny little baby from the midwife and gently hold her.

"My child is a girl.. Hello baby, I'm your father.." Victor Vladimir was very worried when he heard his baby hadn't given any responses. His face was full of worry and sorrow, the two elders also held their breaths waiting for something although they didn't know what it was they were waiting.

A minute later, a miracle happen.

The little baby girl in her father's arms yawning and very slowly opened her eyes. All the people's breath inside the room was taken away the moment they saw a very beautiful eyes in the world. It was the very same eye color that has been passed down in Vladimir royal family. An amethyst eye color.

Victor Vladimir smiled softly and didn't realize one of his tear escaped from his right eye and fell to onto the baby cheek. She cutely blinked her eyes twice. The curious things was, she didn't cry. She just stared at her father's eyes calmly, as if telling him not to be worry.

"Give her a name Victor" General Shen who had been staring silently at the little baby at her father's  left side finally speak.

"Velove, Velove Van Vladimir.." He softly murmured her new given name while staring at her beautiful bright amethyst eyes lovingly.