18.Goons attack

"Wake up, wake up it's already past dawn, hurry up, have some food, we will be going", said Hassan while pushing Ragini. Ragini got startled and saw her standing in front of her holding some fruits. "Eat this fast and we will be setting off", Ragini hurriedly gulped some grapes that were in the basket and got up. "Come quickly we must get out of the village by dawn else in the morning every villagers will see you and your presence will reach the ears of the kidnappers" , said Hassan pulling Ragini 's hands. Ragini went out of the cottage and saw her brother is already sitted on the bullock cart, seeing Hassan's mother Ragini bowed down to her and touched her feet for blessing . "May you have all the happiness, go safely", blessed Hassan' s mother.

Ragini then got up on the cart and Hassan slashed the cows to start the cart. The road was muddy and rough so the cart jumped on and off while Hasini was driving it swiftly. Karm held her sister tightly, while Ragini was awestruck by the beauty of open rice fields, meadows, huts and the overall village scenery, cool breeze that could be seen from the back of the cart. She hardly have been outside the palace, even when she travelled for holiday, her carriage would be covered all over surrounded by servants and she was not allowed to peep even. It's like a new world to her, the jumping of the cart didn't bothered her.

Suddenly she saw some black dressed men riding on horses coming towards the cart. She immediately covered her face with veil. The men bypassed the back of the cart and stopped Hassan's cart. No sooner did Hassan stop her cart when two goons started pulling out Ragini and her brother by her hand. "Help Hassan, help they are the goons", Ragini shouted. Soon two swords touched Hassan's neck and the goon said, "I will kill you if you move or make any fuss, we will take the lady and the child quietly and spare you else", saying so he pressed the sword tightly onto his neck.

"aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh oouuuccchhhh", some one shouted and the goon holding sword turned to see that Ragini has bitten one of their members hand and gave him a punch, meanwhile Hassan had kicked the unattentive goon pressing sword around his neck and took away his sword. Ragini has also got that goon's sword, and then the fight started, Ragini and Hasini both being good sword fighters fought against the goons and injured them and their horses. Hassan soon replaced her cows with the two horses of the goons with her cart, and lashed the horses, the horses neighed and the cart started running. Ragini in the middle of the fight jumped on to the cart with his brother and the cart a vanished from the eyes of the

injured goons within a second.

" You are a good sword fighter too", said Hassan with a smirk. " Yes I know sword fighting you are good too", smiled Ragini saying so. "Are you injured", asked Hassan, "No not at all, we both are fine, what about you? did you get hurt?", asked Ragini "No not even a scratch, we will enter Iravati city by the sunset, till then have a rest you both of you". "ok ", replied Ragini and Hasini speeded up the horse cart