I suddenly remember that the fire ball sure had made noise then why didn't mo-....that lady came? I went outside to check if she is there or not in the house but it seemed like she wasn't in the house and somehow I didn't even care...I said to Salum"so when can we leave , cause there is nothing left here for me anyways" Salum replied"we can leave now but I don't think it'll are be a right choice because there are many enemies of your...if they got to know that you are alive then they'll surely come after you..that includes king Aslore too...and I can't fight him with the power i have now..and until you get your memory back we can't afford to fight lets stay here until you learn using some powers" I said to him"what do you mean by ,if they'll get to know if I'm alive?" Salum replied"it means till now every one had thought that you'd died but now this information is leaked out that you are alive..that blonde hair girl..Lucy will spread the news as a fire in forest..we should not waste time and lets start training.

Still i have millions of questions to ask "and the thing she was saying that I'd killed her parents is it true!?" Salum nodded and said" yeah you had , probably that was self defence,they were after your power you were doing self defence" I thought it so easy to kill someone in that world?..I question again"power eyes?" and he replied"yeah the eyes you've contains power ,physic can move anything without touching activates only in danger" so the tree that was falling on me! so it was my I'm starting to trust him..he looks like me too.."are you older or smaller than me?" Salum replied"I'm your twin..just 1min smaller than lets get outta here and train you".....