Locating a Psychiatrist to do PLR

"I need to search for a good psychiatrist who can do hypnotism and Past Life Recession(PLR). So I would like to use your laptop, Tania !"Said her Dada ji.

"Yes, Of course, You can take it to your room. I have removed the password. " replied Tania.

Good idea, time I go downstairs to make bed tea for others and start making breakfast," her Dada ji butted in.

She did not want the others to see her husband and herself in the bedroom of their granddaughter. It would give an impression that they were trying to influence their granddaughter.

Her Dada ji was working on the laptop and asked Tania, "Don't you have something like Just Dial, we which has a repository of the names and telephone numbers of the best persons in various trades?"

"It is all in Russian, I am having difficulty in locating anything here,"he added.

Tania figured out that her Dadi ji was getting irritated with this conversation.

"Dadi ji, let's go downstairs and start on the daily chores."

"Dada ji you please take the laptop to your room and opt for English language. I am sure that will help. If it doesn't then I will help out."

Dada ji took the laptop and headed out saying," When breakfast is ready please call me downstairs. I would not mind another cup of tea while I search the net for some telephone numbers."

Tania and her Dadi ji headed downstairs to start on the preliminary work for making breakfast. Dadi ji decided that they would have stuffed potato paranthas (Indian pancakes) with butter and or pickle plus tea.

Just as she put the potatoes in the pressure cooker to steam, Tania's Nani ji walked in.

"Namaste, Good morning!" she greeted Tania and her Dadi ji and added, "What is cooking?"

"Dadi ji is making Alu paranthas for breakfast. It is Indian pancakes stuffed with mashed potatoes and salt pepper and a few spices." Tania responded.

We have just started and Nikita, I don't know if you would like them. We can make something else if you want."

"It is Ok Mira, we also eat pancakes and these stuffed potato pancakes would be lovely." Nikita replied.

"Only the style of making them would not be the same, but one should try other styles too and I would love to watch you make them," she added.

I have made bed tea. Nani ji please take a cup of tea,"said Tania. "Is Mamu ji up?" she added. "If he is then I will take a cup of tea upstairs to give to him."

"No need for that. He got up early and is ready for tea, breakfast everything," replied Nikita with a laugh.

"I will take both the cups of tea to the dining table. Your Uncle is sitting there."

After taking the tray containing tea and biscuits, Tania's Nani ji proceeded towards the dining room. After 10 minutes she was back with the tray containing empty cups. She was watching the stuffed paranthas being made.

"Tania bacche, go and give your Dada ji a cup of tea. He will be wondering what has happened to his tea," said Mira handing a cup of tea to Tania.

Tania went off to give her Dada ji tea.

Meanwhile Mira had made a dough and set it aside. She had boiled and mashed the potatoes adding salt pepper a few green chilies,coriander, tiny pieces of chopped onions, ginger and garlic. She had also added a few spices. Nikita was watching all the preparation.

Soon she put a griddle on the flame and started to roll out a piece of dough and stuffed it with the boiled potato stuffing. Then closed the piece of dough and continued carefully rolling the piece of rounded dough till it became round like an unbaked chappati. She then put this on the griddle and roasted it on both sides, applied clarified butter (ghee) took it off the griddle and placed it in a casserole. In this way she made about 15 of these stuffed potato paranthas, one after another, and placed them in the same casserole.

Mira explained to Nikita that it was not necessary to fry the paranthas on the griddle especially for those people who did not like fried stuff. After roasting of the parantha, it be taken down and ghee applied on it.

Breakfast was ready. They could eat these paranthas with pickle, butter or curd per their liking.

Tania was back in the kitchen with an empty cup. She then started to make some more tea to go with the breakfast.

Her Dada ji come down and peeped in the kitchen. "The aroma of what ever is cooking dragged me here," he said to no one in particular. "I know it is something made by my wife. I have really missed her cooking."

All the women had a good laugh. Mira was feeling embarrassed again.

They had a great breakfast. The paranthas were highly praised by everyone. Nikita, Tania's Nani ji also liked them and said that she had learnt something new to make at home. Mira explained that you can make stuffed paranthas of many things like grated cauliflower, grated radish etc. Some people even make of grated carrots.

After breakfast all disappeared to their rooms. The maid came and washed the dishes, cleaned the house and made the beds.

Meanwhile, Tania's Dada ji had located a few telephone numbers of psychiatrists. He had made a list of all these names with their telephone numbers. He was going to talk to all of them starting with the psychiatrist who had examined Tania earlier.

So, after breakfast and when the maid had left the house after completing her work, he called Tania into his room and he started calling the numbers on his list.

He first called the psychiatrist that had seen Tania earlier.

The psychiatrist recalled that Tania had visited him a few days ago.

"Yes I remember that she had come to me. I found nothing wrong with her. She just has a vivid imagination."

Tania's Dada ji then inquired, "Do you use hypnosis on your patients or past life regression?"

"No, I do not believe in that form of treatment so I did not learn it. Some doctors do practice it around the world. We also have a few Russian psychiatrists here in Moscow who use this system to help cure their patients." The psychiatrist responded.

"Can you give me the names of any known psychiatrists who are using this system for treatment?" he asked the psychiatrist.

"Yes, of course. My friend is very good with this sort of treatment. I will give you his phone number and address of his clinic. You can take my reference and meet him in the afternoon."

The psychiatrist gave Dada ji two numbers of the concerned doctor.

Dada ji phoned up the concerned doctor. He explained that the doctor's friend had given him his reference. He thus got an appoint in the afternoon at 3 pm for Tania.