Past Life Regression- Part 5

After hearing the recording, Tania's grandfather had a worried expression on his face and wanted to ask the Doctor a few questions. He waited for the Doctor to turn the recording off.

"The dreams that Tania was having seem to be definitely connected to her past life or lives. Is this what Past Life Regression proves?"

"Yes, people carry the trauma from the past life into the present one. It maybe be from one life or it many be from a number of previous lives." Dr. Viktor Demetrius replied.

"Mostly people do not know why they are agitated upon seeing a person. Why they fear someone or are scared of heights or fire etc. These can be linked to a trauma in the early stages of the present life or something that happened in a previous life and got carried forward into this life as suppressed memories."

"Our purpose is to make the patient confront his fears and leave the pain behind in that life. He gets to know why the pain or fear has come with him/her into this life."

"In Tania's case there are two past lives that we have investigated through hypnotism and PLR. There might be some other lives too that may come to light as we continue our sessions. It seems she is scared of her Uncle. He has be there in these two past lives and caused her death."

"What do you suggest, Doctor?" Tania's Dada ji asked.

"I think we should go in for a few more sessions first."

"Since her dream is from a setting in India and her previous life was in India, I would suggest that you take her to India. Let her see the place of her dreams as well as the place where she worked as an Intern."

"Thereafter, take her to Ukraine and see the ground reality there. The person she was scared of and that same person now need to be confronted by her and you all. First get your facts, take the recordings."

"Please come day after tomorrow for the next session. Let me know when you are going to India so that I can give you the address of a friend of mine who does PLR in Jaipur, Rajasthan. You can contact him as soon as you reach India."

The Doctor then got up as if to indicate that their time was up. After good byes were said, Tania proceeded to get the car.

Her grandfather turned back to ask the Doctor the fees.

"Doctor, what is your fees per session?" You did not take any payment after the first session. We also forgot to ask you as it was such a terrifying experience for my granddaughter and me, to confront a past life trauma."

" My fees are nominal," the Doctor said with a smile.

"In India, a session of Past life Regression costs about Rs. 6000-8000/- and in USA it costs about $175/-."

"Sir, don't worry. You can pay me the Indian equivalent in Roubles. Our currancies are almost of same value now. Our 1 Rouble equals your Rs1.03/- so Roubles 7000/- per session will be just fine. Please pay me when you come for the third sessions."

"I think we will need two or three more sessions," he added.

Tania's Dada ji thanked the Doctor and proceeded to get into the car waiting outside.

During the homeward journey, Dada ji told Tania that the amount the Doctor would be charging per session. There would be about two or three sessions more.

Within an hour they had reached home. It was not yet 6 pm. They had their tea in the dinning room. Then went to the library. Tania's Mamu and her Nani ji were there.

"Tania girl, you are back! I was missing you."

"Nani ji, I was just out for a few hours. I had to get corrections done on my thesis and was in the university."

"You went alone?" Nikita asked.

"No, my Dada ji had come with me. This time he sat in the car and watched the people go by."

"Hmmm, I am sure he must have had a nice time watching the birds too," replied Mira with a naughty look in her eyes which was spotted by Tania.

"Haha these two, Dadi ji knows where we went even then she is enjoying a joke at Dada ji's expense." She thought.

Dinner was being cooked in the kitchen and Tania made a bee line to see what was cooking. Her Dadi ji was an excellent cook. Since her Dadi ji and Nani ji had come her, both the ladies had taken over the kitchen. There were a variety of Indian and Russian dishes for lunch and dinner.

After dinner, they sat in the library and chatted for some time. Soon everyone called it a day and proceeded to their respective rooms for a good night's sleep.

As last time, Tania's Dada ji and Dadi ji landed up in her room to discuss the session at the Doctor's clinic.

Dada ji narrated what had transpired at the clinic during the session.

Tania explained the Mess incident again and this time with the year in which it hapened. It was night time and the year is 1978. Upon completing her duty she had come down to the canteen looking for a cup of tea before going back to her room.

The professor who hated her, had come to visit his daughter who was an intern at this hospital. He was angry as to why his daughter was shouted at by the administration and instead of fighting with the administration, he wanted to teach Saroj a lesson.

While she was making tea in the kitchen of the Canteen, he put a hankerchief with choloform on her mouth and nose. She fainted. He turned on the gas, closed all the doors and windows and quickly left. Our Tania, who was Saroj that time, saw the bad deed the professor had committed when her soul left her body.

Her soul had chased after him but he was careless while crossing the road and got hit by a speeding vehicle.

Her soul returned to the canteen but it was too late. The smell of the leaking gas alerted some people and emergency was called. They managed to shut down the canteen and the kitchen but her death was declared an accident.

But Saroj, that is our Tania, knew it was murder.

Thereafter, she went to a place for recuperation. I think she meant heaven.