Recollection of Incidents-Part 2

To explain it better, Sanya had said, "Because of Arun's actions and my actions, something was left incomplete. We have all been coming back in different times, somehow, I or Arun have met a terrifying end."

"Since you are sensitive to energies and the fact that you had read up material on past life regression, we both decided to connect to you slowly so that this chain of getting killed in every life gets broken."

"Connecting to you was not easy. If we had conveyed that your Uncle Igor had been coming in every life to kill you, you would not have believed in us."

"You see, again I say that future is uncertain. Your changing the present situations, challenging the course of destiny can finish off your every life problem for good."

After explaining things they both brushed past Tania and left.

As they went past her she could feel a fragrance of Jasmine. The same fragrance that she had felt in her childhood too. Her father used to light incense sticks at the time when he would pray and this heavenly fragrance would spread all over the house.

Sanya stopped and came back and told Tania in the ear that it was the same fragrance that her father, the king loved spreading all over the palace with the incense sticks that were specially ordered. She also said that Tania's father was her father too in that life and she knew that Tania's dad used incense sticks with the same fragrance at Tania's home."

Sanya had got Arun to get her a perfume with the same fragrance.

At that time, Tania had felt as if a short loving breeze had touched her and gone.

Tania saw them go to the end of the jetty and climb on a short ladder that further took them into a small ship. After about 20 minutes the ship was out of sight.

She came back to the present with a jolt.

Tania was very excited. This was her first trip to India and she would meet the characters of her dreams, Sanya and Sanya's husband and help them.

They were heading to Rajasthan after a few days of stay in New Delhi.

Like all girls, she wondered about her future. She was being analytical that if she was Sanya in the past then Sanya's husband, Arun, would perhaps be around too and they were destined to meet.

"Maybe he could be an acheologist at the excavation site." she pondered.

"Who knows, I might find him in Jaipur?" She muttered to herself.

"Tania, what is the matter child?" Her Dadi ji asked.

You seem to be muttering. Are you thinking aloud?"Her Dadi inquired, looked concerned.

"Nothing Dadi ji, just thinking about how fast things have moved and what we will encounter in the Kalibanga?"

"Yes, I can understand your apprehension, but is is time to take the bull by the horns, so to speak."

You cannot go through your entire life being scared about your Mamu and what he will do or want to do."

"He is a bad person and who would know that is his mother. I think she is also looking for a way to confront him."

"Yes, Dadi ji, you are right," she responded.

Soon there was an attention ding from the announcement system of the plane.

"This is your Captain speaking, shortly we will be approaching the Indian border. There is likely to be some turblance as there are dark clouds below us. Hence, kindly fasten your seat belts."

"Within a short while from now, we will start to descend towards New Delhi. In about 25 minutes you will be able to see a few prominent buildings from the window pane."

"I will have my co captain give the announcement as we pass these buildings."

"I would request you to keep your seat belts fastened at that time too."

Everyone needed to reach their seats and tie their saftey belts.

All the empty trays were collected by the airhostesses. The attached pull out tables were closed and fastened to the back of the front seats..

A number of passengers who had made a bee line to the nearby washrooms to empty their bladders returned quickly as they had heard the announcement made by the Captain of the plane.

It had been a long flight and the excitement had made Tania tired. To amuse herself she started to think of the passengers who had rushed back from the washrooms. Perhaps they had taken too much coffee and tea. Maybe the ascending and descending of flights scared them so much that they needed to empty their bladder. At the elderly had an issue but what about the young ones?

Time flies and before they knew it, the dark clouds had been left behind. There was no turbulance and the plane started to descend.

Soon it started to circulate around New Delhi and the Co-Captain informed them that they were going to land shortly. They could see the Lotus temple on the left. They could also see the Red Fort and the Qutib Minar. They also saw the Parliament House. Some other structures were also there which Tania could not identify.

Just then a huge standing statue of Lord Shiva could be seen. Tania realised that this statue was very near the International Airport. Within minutes the plane touched down and headed for the Jet bridge also called passangers boarding bridge. This bridge allows passengers to board and disembark without going outside and being exposed to harsh weather. It also facilates quicker transfer of passengers. At smaller airports one does see the normal staircase.

The Captain made another announcement bidding everyone farewell and wished them all a happy stay in India. He simultaneously asked all to remain seated till the passenger gate way was attached to the door of the plane.

The tube was soon attached to the door of the place at the first class side and the other tube was attached to the economy class side.

Tania and her Nani ji along with their Dada ji and Dadi ji left the plane wishing namaste to the airhostesses.