Past Life Regression - Part 17

Sanya disappeared after saying that she had to leave, as Arun was waiting for her.

Tania started to move her head from side to side and the doctor realized that she was slowly coming out of her trance like state. He immediately brought his mind back to the present from his thoughts and started the procedure to bring her out of her trance like state.

As per the routine, after the session, they all went into the next room. Tania had a glass of water to drink but this time she seem to be suffering from the after effects of the session, in that she was trembling. The doctor asked his assistant to make tea for everyone.

Soon the tea arrived and as soon as Tania finished drinking her tea, the doctor asked her if she remembered anything.

"No, Doctor!" She replied.

"Are you feeling better and are you ready to listen to the recording?" He inquired.

"Yes, I am alright, I just felt a little cold. The cup of hot tea helped and now I am ready to listen to the recording."

She pressed the button on the recorder and started to listen to the recording of the entire session. She heard what Sanya had to say.

After she finished listening to the recording she realized that they should plan to visit the Indian state of Rajasthan and not only find this place Kalibangan but also the place where she had stashed the stolen stuff in the cave with the help of Arun.

"Dada ji! We need to go to India soon to do what Sanya wants us to do."

"We not only need to solve the mystery, but we need to ensure that Sanya and Arun get their long due salvation. It is our moral duty to do so."

"It is a shame that none of my past selves remembered Sanya or tried to connect to her. I connected and now I need to correct things, right Dada ji?" Tania exclaimed.

"Yes you are right, Tania. We need to go home and discuss things especially our plan to return to India with you."

"I will go and bring the car around, "Tania told her Dada ji.

Meanwhile, while waiting for the car to arrive Tania's grandfather spoke to the Doctor.

"Doctor! Sanya informed in the session that you would probably accompany us. If you want to come along with us, you are welcomed."

"But if you feel that you will require more time to tie up loose strings and come later, it is fine by us," he offered.

"I think you need to plan and Sanya had not specified who all will go there." The doctor replied.

"I also feel that you need to visit me one more time before you go to India," the doctor said.

"I think everything seems to be destined this time. Anyway, we will come and meet you day after tomorrow after discussing this matter with my better half," responded Dada ji.

Dada ji paid the fees and proceeded to leave the doctor's clinic. Tania had brought the car around and was waiting at the porch for her Dada ji to get in."

Good byes were said and soon they were on their way home.

Through out the journey neither Tania nor her Dada ji, said a single word.

When the reached home, dinner was being prepared and the wisps of aroma was leaving the kitchen to find their flavours reaching the nostrils of Tania and her Dada ji.

Dada ji could not resist himself and made a bee line for the kitchen.

Dinesh Sharma was very happy to see his wife cooking his favourite foods.

After dinner, they both proceeded to Tania's room. Tania's Dadi ji was called to come over by her Dada ji. Tania her Dada ji and Dadi ji assembled in her room. Her Dadi ji sat on her bed with Tania and her Dada ji took the chair near the TV and sat down.

They noticed that the CCTV camera had been dismantled and was no longer there.

"It's gone," said Tania's Dadi ji.

"Who placed it there and who removed it?"She asked.

"Yes, it is gone but your granddaughter is smart, just see the switchboard behind the TV." Tania said with a wicked smile.

Tania pointed to the pen camera she had placed behind her TV set. She removed the camera and plugged the drive into the pen drive socket of the television so that they could see what had happened in her room while she had gone out to visit the Doctor. The recording showed Igor dismantling the CCTV camera. This was proof that her Igor uncle was up to no good. He had been spying on her as well as her paternal grandparents. This clipping would help them to confront him in future.

They started to discuss about the events of the day and what had transpired at the session today. Her Dada ji got up and started walking in the vacant area between the chair and the bed while he simultaneously informed her Dadi ji that Sanya had visited today's session.

Sanya had described how she had run away with Arun to Mesopotamia. She had run away as they had uncovered a plot to kill her once she was married off to her uncle's neighbour a few days after her coronation ceremony.

She had taken the family jewels as well as all the jewelry etc that she had worn at her coronation. She did not want her murderer uncle to use them as they belonged to her family and would be tainted if worn by such an evil person. These jewels comprised of jewels, a golden crown , robes as well as a scepter with a huge diamond.

Arun and she had hidden these jewels in a cave near Kalibangan and they had marked the place with trade symbols that he used in his business.

She had settled in Mesopotamia, but was as per the prediction of the saint, was not allowed salvation. She and Arun had tried to contact all the past lives that Tania had lived. But no one had responded. Only Tania had heard her and seen Sanya and Arun.

Arun and she had been destined to see that she died in every future life and Arun could not even meet her in his and her future lives. They were tired of repeating the entire process since that time.

We all need to proceed to Rajasthan, India to solve this mystery.