Meeting A Spiritual Being

Where had the angel taken me? Which places did I visit? Did he really belong to this world or was he of a different world? These were huge questions. I had penned down these incidents in poems called 'Spiritual Being' and 'The Celestial House'. First, let us visit the Celestial House.

In that meditative state that I was in, the angel led me by holding my hand to a far off place, I do not know what this place was. I was just being led by him as we glided through space or you can say, as we flew through space. We landed softly on the ground and what do I see? There is a huge park with tiny little green hills. These hills are like the ones that appeared in the Television serial program of the UK for toddlers' called 'Teletubbies'.

The scenario of the park was completed with a downcast sky. The slightly dark cloudy indicated that the rain was on the way and it would rain at any moment. There was a winding pathway that led to a house. On the sides of the pathway were some short shrubs. On these were resting a few butterflies and tiny birds. There were a few trees too that sparsely dotted all the green hills. One could hear the chirping of the birds coming from these shrubs and trees. This was certainly not my world. There is no place like this in my world. Where on earth was I?

The pathway led to a house a short distance away. I started walking leisurely on the path towards this house. I walked with great caution as I did not know what was inside this house. I felt this burning desire that I should go there and find out who this house belonged to. Normally, I would never do such a thing. Going into another person's house is never liked by the owner of the house. It is something akin to trespassing. But the urge to visit it was so strong, I just could not help myself. The voice in me said I must go there, I must see what is going on there.

The house was strange in that it had the arched framework of the doors and windows but the actual doors and windows were missing. The roof of the house was in a dome shape. There was a strange white light that was being emitted from the walls of the house. I felt that I had reached my home. What was this white light? How could this be my home without windows and doors? As I came to stand in front of the house facing the main entry door of the house, I could hear the chanting come from inside the house of the universal sound that is 'OM'. I realized that this was the sound of the universe and wondered how it was coming from the house. Were people chanting or were the monks chanting?

As soon as I entered the house I felt at peace. A comfortable feeling came over me indicating that there is nothing in the world that can give me any stress or tension. I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Another thing I noticed was that the aches and pains that had been troubling me in the past few days due to the issue of travelling by sitting stationary in the plane with feet hanging and almost touching the ground, had vanished miraculously.

Was it the house or the chanting from within that was affecting this miraculous healing by getting rid of the negative stuff in my body as well as soothing the tired muscles and making me better?

As I walked through the doorway, I found that there was no one to receive me. I saw a few doorways on the side that led to the rooms where the sweet chanting was going on. As I made a move to enter one of these rooms where chanting was going on, someone came and stood before me.

This person who stood before me was dressed in a flowing white gown which emitted light. This gown was tied with a slash around his waist. The light that his clothes were emitting was not any ordinary brightness that one would get by washing clothes using the best detergent. The light emitted was pure celestial light. The light was so bright that my eyes could not bear the white light. Tears welled up in my eyes and started rolled down my face. His aura was so bright and good that I could not bear the bright light.

For a moment I was held spellbound, the person realized my discomfort. He smiled and lessened the brightness with the wave of his hand. Immediately I could see his face clearly as he stood before me. Thereafter, he smiled and blessed me with raised hands. I did not know what happened. Just within a few moments, he was gone, in the same manner as he had come. The house was also gone and the chanting was also gone. Strangely, I was standing there in the park with the green hills which were dotted with the same shrubs and trees with chirping birds.

ThWhere did all these sounds of chanting come from? Who was that person? He blessed me which is fine. But what were the blessings for? I am still seeking answers.

Here is the poem:-

Celestial House

I was in meditation that day again,

and saw a park with little green hills.

The weather indicated fall of rain,

the picture was completed with singing birds.

I felt as if I was in another world,

I saw a distant house I walked towards.

A strange house it looked indeed,

cautiously I moved forward.

The framework of doors and windows were visible,

its roof was huge and white like a dome,

Doors and windows, however, seemed invisible,

celestial light it emitted and I knew I was home.

As I came to stand before the house,

I heard chanting of Om coming from inside.

I realized that the chanting was from within,

coming from the rooms inside.

I felt at peace upon entering

all my aches and pains were vanishing.

Was it the house or the chanting,

that was affecting this miraculous healing.

As I walked through the doorway,

no one was there whom I could meet.

I saw a number of open doorways,

that led into rooms with chanting sweet.

Someone came toward me suddenly and stood,

dressed in a flowing white gown with a slash tight.

Tears rolled down as his aura was so good,

His clothes emitted pure celestial light.

For a minute I was held spellbound,

he smiled and blessed me with raised hands.

Thereafter I do not know what happened

he vanished and I found myself in familiar surrounds.

renukakkar 25.1.2012
