Questions being Answered (Part 3)

"Anything more that you would like to ask me which you are searching for answers and not getting any replies?" He asked.

"Yes, I want to ask so many things. Like a glimpse of Past Life. What I saw what does it indicate?"

"You will need to describe the incident, what did you do and how do you know it was your past life?" he replied.

"Ok, I had a Reiki student, an engineer who had come back from Japan. I was talking to him once and I mentioned that there were 'Past Life Regression' classes and I wanted to learn but the course was too expensive. He had replied that there was no need for me to learn it as I had the knowledge of Reiki and it would take me anywhere if I wanted to know about my past life. He had already done so. He told me to use meditation and to ensure no one would disturb me for at least an hour. You will get replies to many of the nagging questions.

I had two issues, one was the pain in my right leg which used to occur when I was standing for some time and the other was my fear of driving on the road. I had got a learner's driving license at the age of 17 years but never managed to drive as I was too scared of being hit. Parking and reversing were never a problem.

My husband expired in 2004. There was a car at home but I did not know how to drive. The necessity of my needing to use it at night in case of emergency with two babies at home was always there. So I learned how to drive and that too in heavy traffic.

I identified a Saturday when there was no disturbance and sat down in meditation with the intent to get an answer to my problems.

I soon found that I was looking down from the sky above, at myself driving a red convertible very fast on an empty road. The month was June and the year was 1954. A newspaper with two lions, as the court of arms, was on the side seat.

I was wearing a hat and my hair was blond, long and made into a braid, which I could see from above. I knew I was about 35 years of age. I was wearing a pink and white polka dot dress. Suddenly, a black Rolls-Royce came from the opposite direction and scraped against my car. I saw the person who was driving and he was wearing a black suit with a black tie. He also had a mustache. Since we both were at a good speed, we could not control our cars and I crashed against a boulder or a tree after the scraping of the cars. My right leg got crushed in that accident and I died.

I do not know what happened to the person driving the black Rolls-Royce. I experienced acute pain in that accident and watching the accident from above, I felt that pain again. Naturally, I forgave the person who caused that accident and myself too as I was also the cause of the accident. I also released the pain there that it would not trouble me in my present life. Thereafter, I wished to come back to my time.

After coming back the nagging questions were answered. The pain in the right leg which occurred after I stood too long is still there but the fear of driving has disappeared.

"Yes, you are right. Very few people can see their past lives and learn from their mistakes."

He added, "The mistake you made was driving too fast that too recklessly and not having full control of the car."

Now, you drive carefully and not recklessly. As far as the speeding issue is concerned that has been taken care of by the population. People are all over the place, so naturally, you will drive slowly." He laughed.

"As regards the forgiving ourselves and the person who we think to be the cause, is most important. Releasing the pain before returning to the present is equally important."

"Did you ever think of investigating and meeting the family that was yours in that life?" He asked.

"No, I did not. Basically, because one cannot live in two lives. I know what I am in this life. If one wants one can find out, as the information about the accident would be available in old newspapers of that time. This information can be traced from the net."

" However, In that life, the family has moved on after their tragic loss. It is not right for me to go and trouble them. What if they take me for a fraud who wants to make quick money by playing on their sentiments?"

"Hmm, you are right, anything else that comes to your mind?"

When I used to meditate, I used to come into the open and travel toward a bright white or sometimes a golden light in the form of a ball. Sometimes I noticed that others were travelling with me towards that golden light. These were like tiny golden or silver stars. They would go to an upside down tree. The roots would be facing the Golden Ball of light, followed by the trunk of the tree and right below that were the branches and the leaves all made up of these tiny gold and silver stars who were like me.

I used to wonder why the tree was upside down. Then I figured out that the golden or white ball was basically God, the few roots were his archangels, the trunk and the branches were the spiritual guides and saints, etc. The leaves were us all whose souls strive to reach God and become one with him. Later, I saw the video of the 'Brahma Kumaris' and I saw this same sort of tree but a little different. In that, it was shown against an orange background, not a black one as I had seen it.

"What were the meaning of this upside down tree and that golden ball? Is it what I had thought." I asked my angel friend.

"You are absolutely right, you can see a lot which others cannot see."

"You should have kept a diary to record all these incidents and then got it printed."

There are one or two more things that I want clarification about. These pertain to learning something new and change in your friends and circle when you enter spirituality.

"Ok, ask." my angel friend said.

There was a time when a student from the USA had come to learn Reiki from me. Two days he learned Reiki from me. The third day he called me up asking if he could come to collect his certificate. I said no issue he could come around 4 p.m. He told me that there was a Mahatama Ji with him and if he could bring him along. I told him there was no problem, he could bring along the Mahatma Ji. The person who walked into my house after my student was wearing saffron colored lungi and kurta. He had a turban. He was also wearing a wristwatch and shoes. But as I invited them in, the Mahatma Ji passed me and there was a fragrance of sandalwood. I was zapped. Who had walked into my house in the disguise of a Mahatma Ji? Anyway, he drank water and took tea but did not take any snacks. The student had tea and snacks.

Since a Mahatma had come to my house I needed to give him something. His get-up indicated that he was unlikely to accept money. My brother suggested that I give him and the student a diary each as I had a number of diaries with me, due to the ensuing new year. Mahatma Ji did not want to take the diary. I told him it would help him keep track of important engagements, names, telephone numbers, etc. But then he took it saying it was a returnable gift that he would return to me soon.

When my student and this Mahatma Ji left, I could smell that fragrance of sandalwood again as he passed me to go to the exit. After he left, I took out the sandalwood powder (Vibhuti) box that I had with me and shook it. Then I asked my kids if they had felt any fragrance around that Mahatma Ji. They said yes it was a nice fragrance that they felt when I used to pray. Then I took the shaken box containing some of that powder and held it near the nose of each child. Yes, this was the smell, they confirmed.

My brother and a few ladies who had come to my house, and had met the Mahatma Ji, did not feel any fragrance. Then I called up my student to ask him the same question. He said there was no fragrance.

Then I asked my student whether he knew this Mahatma Ji? He said no he did not know him. He had just met him somewhere. As they were going back home in the same direction, the Mahatma Ji asked for a lift. Mahatma Ji came to my house as he did not want to wait in the Autorickshaw. My student had no idea who the Mahatma Ji was.

Even to this day I have no idea who this person was. But after a few months, I started writing my first novel, my poems, and articles. Was this the return gift? Sometimes I wonder.

"Yes, that was a 'Divine Being' who had come to visit you and yes it was a return gift that was given to you to express yourself and inform people about what all there is beyond what we ordinarily see." My angel friend explained.

"Will I ever see him again?" I asked feeling disappointed that I did not know who he was.

"I cannot say, These Divine Beings do not visit again and again," he responded.