Becoming a Creator


Due to your constant praying, begging and imagining of becoming an almighty being, you have been selected to gain Absolute Creation. This ability will give you the ability to create anything you wish. With this, imagination is truly your limit! You have been given this due to the fact that you don't see power as the main reason of being almighty but instead the ability to create and enjoy what you've built for yourself. You mirror the attitude of what an actual God should be instead of those -ahem 'Gods'.

To simply use this ability, just imagine what you want to create. A system interface is also given so you can visualize your creations better if you can't think of everything at once. An A.I is installed if you need anything, have a nice day!

Seeing this notification appear in my vision, I quickly ignored it. I know for a fact that my imagination is too powerful to the point that it seems to be sentient. When I walk around the house, I heard voices at random times. All of them only said one or a few words, no sentence has ever been observed. I also see things I'm not imagining and it's hard to undo any thought I have no matter how weak it is when I first thought of it. Thinking that this is probably my imagination, I will try and remove it using one proven method. Washing my face with water and blinking my eyes rapidly.

I walked towards the bathroom and closed my eyes to check whether it is still there. Yes, it is still there! Considering that this seems to not distort or change, I considered the thought of it being real. I smiled and thought 'If this is real, I can finally create the world I've been planning for my whole life.' Hoping that it's real, I did a quick prayer to God before washing my face with cold tap water and blinking my eyes ten times in rapid succession. After that, I crossed my fingers and closed my eyes, excited at the possibility of it being real. After my eyes fully closed, the message is still there. 'Yes! Creation!' I jumped a few times in the bathroom in joy.

Before accidentally slipping and falling head first to the wall. Thinking that I might die, I closed my eyes quickly but found that I felt no pain. Only the cold surface of the bathroom wall. I opened my eyes and looked around to see no blood. I carefully stood before screaming in my mind, 'Invincibility!!!!!' After the bathroom test worked, I joyfully strode to my room and closed my eyes again. The message diffused into white smoke and a system interface appeared in its place. A disembodied mechanical voice echoed in my mind, "Welcome Creator. I am your System A.I, designed to help you in your journeys through this interface. What is your first order?"

Still filled with joy because of this divine blessing, I replied to it in a higher pitched voice, "System, can I leave this world?" A complicated interface appeared, replacing the previous interface with a search bar and several buttons. "Creator may enter and leave any world as you wish. Shall I explain the functions of these buttons Creator?" I immediately told the A.I that I can figure it out myself. The buttons are quite simple, they featured the main categories which are Within Current Realm, Alternate World, Alternate Timeline, External World and Advanced Search. As all of them are self explanatory, I quickly clicked Advanced Search.

I want to find an empty, lifeless world where I can start creation on. With the advanced search on, many categories appeared. I pressed the categories empty and basic and pushed the search icon. After a short buffering animation, all the content beneath the search bar turned into a long list of worlds with a short description beneath their names. I looked for a nameless world which was easy to find considering empty and basic worlds have probably nothing on them at all. I clicked the nameless world and an interface containing its 3d image, basic information and description appeared.

Name: [Blank]

Age: 4 minutes

Mass: 1.01 Earth

Radius: 6,379 km

Gravity: 9.821m/s^2

Satellites: None


A frozen, rocky earth sized planet created from the birth of the universe. Due to the lack of energy, only this planet was created and the universe only expanded to the size of thrice the earth's solar system. A perfect world for those who like creating worlds from scratch.

[Travel There]

The planet's surface is completely smooth, without a single scratch or blemish on its rocky gray surface. I pressed travel there and the interface disappeared. Since it had everything I needed, I did not hesitate to read much of its info else than its basic information. Small nodes of white light began to rapidly gather around me before I vanished in a flash of light. A kaleidoscope of colors flooded my sight as I travel at what I presume as infinite speed. Soon, the colors began to rotate until they vanished, fading into the darkness of space. A voice alert from the system A.I told me that I have indeed arrived.

I looked around to find the planet in front but around 30° below me. From my view it appears ten times larger than the size of the full moon on the night sky. No stars are in this space, only this sad, empty world which will soon become my new home. However, this world is a little too small, I need a planet around the size of jupiter since I want to add so many races and things. Earth is just too small for the fantasy world I'm planning to give birth to. So I thought of creating the earth but ten times its size. No, how about fifty times its size. The world's surface area would be 2500 times larger than earth's. There would be 2500 times more of everything on the surface.

However, I need to first enact my plan which involves creating the Protogenoi. If you played God of War: Ascension, the opening cinematic would depict how the world and universe was built through the war between the Protogenoi also known as the Primordials. For the world creation plan, I only find three that I'll take from Greek mythology. Ouranos, Ourea and Thalassa which represent the basic elements of a world. However, I think I'll need four more primordials of my own. First, I need the primordial of fire. Although I said that I won't rip off anymore, I couldn't think quickly for a new primordial's name in a matter of a minute. Even with the infinite time presented with this ability, I'd rather start creating as quickly as possible.

So, I took the name from Perses, the titan god of destruction. Now, he is my primordial of fire and heat, to bring heat to the cold universe through the war. Next, I'll need the primordial of metal which I'll name as Tallum which is metal in latin but without the first two letters. After Tallum, I thought of adding the primordial of energy, Shakti. Named after the Hindu personification of energy, she will bestow the world natural, spiritual and magical energies through her clashes with her siblings. As for the last primordial, I thought of, I thought of. I already have wind, earth, fire, water, metal and energy, what do I lack? Oh ya, I lacked the primordial of frost. If Perses does not have an antithesis, the planet would heat up indefinitely.

Now, the final and youngest primordial will be Ymir, primordial of frost. With all of my primordials in mind, I begin creating them. According to the notification, I can visualize them from within the system interface. "System, can you help me visualize creating a person?" A game like interface appeared with stats like health, strength, speed and others on a window at the left side and abilities on the right side. First, I want to create Ouranos, the Sky Primordial. The stats are all set at a default of 10 which according to a tip below all the stats is equal to an average human's. I then start to increase all of the physical related stats such as health, strength, stamina, defense, magic defense and regeneration to absurd levels. I increased all of them to seven followed by forty zeroes except for regeneration which has forty five zeroes behind the seven instead. So they would heal ten thousand times faster than the human equivalent.

A wound that will take hours to heal would heal in just several milliseconds. A severed arm or bodypart would only take around fifteen to thirty minutes to regenerate completely. I plan to do the same with all the primordials I'll make. It'll make sure that they would always reach a stalemate in their clashes. I'm quite cruel but I'll avoid killing as much as I can since it'll prevent one from learning from their mistakes. However, that gives me an idea for an afterlife. Back to Uranus, I gave him a seven thousand times multiplier to all of his mental abilities like intelligence, reaction speed, perception and willpower. I want all of the primordials to be incomprehensibly smart but I want to see what they can do with the current stats I gave them.

I gave Uranus the ability to generate and manipulate all gases which are only partially metal or possess no metal at all. Ions, complex molecules and singular atoms are included in this ability. He can generate clouds of gases up to the planet mercury's mass at a time. Then, I added the ability for him to merge with any gas and reform at will. To ensure that he's virtually unkillable, as long as one atom of gas or his form still exists, he can regenerate to his prime state in hours. Also, I added an ability in which as long as even a single atom of gas in any world that I've been in exists, he can regenerate to his prime the same way.

With his abilities completed, I begin designing his form. I gave him a cosmic giant look with yellow color and yellow stars in his body. He had a very handsome face, golden hair and seemed to be barely twenty years old added by an athletic physique with well toned abs. He wears a white regal cape with a high collar that reaches the top of his ears if straightened. 'Oh, I forgot something!' I gave him the ability to change his height to the minimum of 1.82m and to the maximum of his default height of 1.82km. I also locked his body proportions so he would stay forever flawless and handsome. As the Primordial of the Wind and Sky, I gave him a bow that would shoot a thousand arrows for every arrow shot. I had to open another interface to make the bow which I call 'Infinity Tempest'.

It could not be taken from Uranus and would get stronger with every use. One more arrow will be added from the previous amount of shot arrows. So from a thousand to a thousand and one, each shot would increase this number to infinity. I added the ability of being unbreakable and the ability to regenerate from an atom in case it was broken at some point. I then pressed create for both and Uranus alongside with his bow appeared before me. I designed him to be titanic in size so he easily made appear like an ant. Luckily, he shrunk to his human size and bowed before me.

With a gentle and authoritative voice I spoke, "You are Ouranos. The first of my firstborn, the Seven Primordials. I have created you to act as an elder brother to your siblings, to carry out my will and to aid me in tasks that I ask from you. You shall be responsible, honorable, chivalrous, diligent and brave. I expect you to grow into a strong leader Uranus." A smile grew on my face as I finally knew how God felt when he created his first angel or even the first man. I feel proud and happy, a child of my own that I created from my thoughts and dreams bowing before me.

In response to my words, Ouranos replied, "Yes Father, I shall be whatever you will me to be. My form, my life, my mind and my soul belongs to you and you only. And so, I serve my creator with all I am." After his pledge, I extended my right hand forward and commanded him to rise and wait for his siblings. One by one I created the Primordials, since I had Ouranos as their leader, I decided to give the rest less stats. Ouranos should be 40% greater in terms of physical stats but are equals in mental stats. To compensate them for their weaker physical states, I gave them two extra abilities each which will make each of them only sub par to Ouranos instead of being to easily overpowered by superior strength and speed.

Ourea appears as a bulky, 2m tall gray cosmic humanoid with six hands. Four of which are made of rocks that have arcs of electricity dancing on the gap between rocks. He possesses the power to create rocks and any type of mineral as long as it is not more than 50% metal in terms of molecular formula. Ourea could also generate planet wide magnetic fields to the point where it could attract all metal within range. The primordial could generate anything up to thrice the mass of mercury. "You are Ourea. The second of my firstborn, the Seven Primordials. I have created you to become the sculptor and artist of the worlds. You are to decorate any world I choose in your own way as you possess creativity unlike your other siblings."

"Ourea, you are also a guardian, protector and general of all my creations, you answer to me and only me. Listen to your elder brother Ouranos and give his words weight in your judgement for he is the eldest and the leader I have chosen from amongst you and your siblings." Following a similar sequence as Ouranos, Ourea did his own pledge before rising after taking my hand. I repeated this process until all seven are born. Thalassa had the appearance of a cosmic water humanoid with a beautiful face. She appears like Athena without her armor and only with her helmet which is a more light blue compared to her ocean colored form.

Her spear is also replaced by a trident colored similarly as her helmet. She does not possess a shield on her hands. Perses appears similar to Ourea however his form is more beastlike as he has a slightly hunched back and flames burn where any hair would be at. His body seemed to be constructed of cooled magma with lava between the cracks. He possesses two hands which are considerably bulkier than Ourea's. Tallum appears like a spartan in silver armor. His body is a cosmic silver with glittering stars of blue, silver and gold throughout his body. His spear had a golden tip while his shield had cobalt blue decorations and patterns.

As for Shakti, I made her form similar to Ouranos. She appears more humanlike as her face is clear. She appears as a beautiful light skinned indian woman with red, gold and white colored indian royalty clothes. She has long black hair and has a little faded form, like she is in between a physical form and an ethereal one. Her human height would be 1.65m while her primordial form's height would be 1.65km. For Ymir, he would be the largest of them all standing 3m tall in his humanoid form while being 3km tall in his primordial form. He is slightly less bulky than Perses and his body is made of ice and blue ice instead.

As they all stood before me in their human size, I gave them my first command as the creator, "Look at the world below." They all turned to face the barren rocky planet. "This world is empty and is a failed creation of another being. My first order to you all, my firstborn is to fight on the planet's surface. Your battles will create the world and enlarge its size until it becomes fifty times its current size. Once so, I command you to stop your battles and return to me." In unison they replied, "Your will be done." "As you wish Father." "Yes Creator." The primordials then transformed into their primordial size and propelled themselves towards the empty world.