Genesis (2)

After I gave my primordials their gifts, I begun to create. First, I would need a sun to shine on the world. I imagined a sun, larger than the one in the earth's solar system. It is slightly more farther in distance as I want to make 432 days for a year with each of the twelve months possessing thirty six days each. However, its size made it look twice as big as the earth's sun in the sky. To make up for the heat lost in the distance, I added a few degrees centigrade to its surface temperature. After nearly ten minutes, the planet's surface is suddenly bathed in the sun's white rays.

The heat it carries started to make a rise in the planet's temperature. The titans and elementals especially the descendants of Perses, enjoy the yellowish rays of the sun and the warmth it carries. "Good, the sun is up. Now to plant Yggdrasil." I held the Eye of Vishnu that rested around my neck. I focused onto it and through that, I saw everything. An endless array of panels appear in my mind, showing every single area of the planet and the sun. In my mind, I commanded the eye to look for a place on the planet perfect for a lake in the northern hemisphere.

From outside, the blue gems started to shine and then, a blue light cut the sky in half, pointing to a certain direction. I gained a vision of the location, a crater near where norway would be in the earth's map. A perfect place to create the lake that will house Yggdrasil, my gateway to my created or conquered worlds. I looked up to the sky so I can follow the glowing and pulsating line of blue energy pointing at the crater. After an hour if I'm not wrong of walking through the rocky terrain under the streak, I realised that it's taking too long and I'm starting to get tired. While my primordials and their army have no problems at all, I am still completely human in terms of my other physical and my mental abilities.

I'm only indestructible and possess Absolute Creation which allows me to create anything without limitation at all. I should make a teleportation effect for the eye. So, I changed the eye to include singular and group teleportation. I selected all of the beings on this planet and teleported to the southern end of the crater. The billions of elementals are suddenly surrounded by a golden glow, shortly before they teleport to the crater. The primordials showed no reaction to the feat of their master while the titans and elementals are even more intrigued to what their creators refer to as creator. They thought that the almighty creator of the primordials would be a being whose size dwarfs the primordials themselves.

However, his abilities taught them to not judge one by appearance alone. I then called out to Thalassa to summon enough water to fill the crater until the edge of my toes. Thalassa's eyes then glowed blue as a massive rotating vortex of water appeared at the crater's center. Water in the form of large waves are spewed forth from the vortex as these waves then either crashed onto the walls of the crater or joined the clockwise rotation of the vortex. More waves and larger waves emerged from the rotating vortex as the crater slowly transforms into a lake. In half a minute, the water rose to the mouth of the crater and gently touched my toe. "Thank you Thalassa."

The water primordial smiled proudly at the praise while bowing respectfully. Then, I continued, "Shakti, infuse the lake with massive amounts of natural and magical energy so that the amount of both is ten thousand times greater than in the air of the same mass." The energy primordial replied proudly, "Gladly, creator." The primordial pointed her index finger at the lake before a large, white bolt of pure magical and natural energy struck the lake, causing a wave of energy to cover the whole lake in all directions. After the energy waves ripple twice, they faded and calm returned to the lake.

If one is not a being who could feel or see energy, one would not see or feel any difference. To a mage, the water would appear to have a thick mist of green and blue mixed within its clear waters while the lake would look like it emanated a slightly faint white mist. "Now, to place Yggdrasil's seed." Using the system, I visualized its appearance and abilities. I plan to make Yggdrasil one of the many gateways in this world to allow travel to other worlds. The seed looked like a large baby sized brown nut but without wrinkles. I used my imagination to form a simple wooden door that will lead to the lake's center.

After opening the door that materialized in front of me, I threw the seed of Yggdrasil to the other side. The dense seed quickly sunk from the surface of the mana rich waters, landing on the soft lake bed within a few minutes. I thought to myself, 'Should I create heaven?' I pondered on whether I should create some form of heavenly kingdom for myself. With angels tending and helping me and all. It will really be convenient, but I just don't like being worshipped. People who do usually turn petty and prideful, as much as I refrain from turning into that, even a sinless man can turn to sin.

Or maybe, I could keep heaven a secret but not the angels. They would worship some made up idol or something. Since I have the ability to create anything on this world, I decide to watch how many civilizations would grow, prosper, crumble and be reborn over time. I could see ideas be born, ambitions be made and legends arise in my creations. So, I'll use heaven as a main base of operations and send angels out like special agents to carry out certain duties under my command. However, I will need a gateway to an empty space that will become the 7 realms of heaven.

So, I fashioned eight golden keys that could be used to access the heavens once someone left the world. Walking around and not having any method of transportation is incredibly taxing. I am quite a lazy guy since I don't even exercise at all and spend my days playing mobile legends or anything that pushes me out of my boredom. I then thought of a divine chariot of sorts, or maybe a massive spaceship. As ideas for an awesome looking vehicle brew in my head, the primordials stood there, looking at me. After following me here, they seem to only watch my every move with reverent eyes. Like commoners meeting a loved king or a loved god.

Even after I spent half an hour talking to myself, which I normally do, their gaze never left my form. I started noticing, an it felt very uncomfortable for them to keep staring at me. So, I issued them a command, "My Primordials, tend to the planet and beautify the landscape. Create more sites and places until you find your creations perfect in your eyes. Once so, slumber within your domains until I myself will awaken you all." The earth started to shake once I ended my command. The primordials shifted to their true forms and they walked separate paths, heeding my command wholeheartedly.

I almost fell and almost got my eyes blinded by the cloud of dust produced by the leaving army. To leave the planet and start creating the heavens, I imagined my steed. A giant mosasaur twice the size of the titanic. The gigantic beast had its body covered in holy, silver and gold armor. It had a large glass dome on its back with a hundred seats within the dome. To provide offensive capabilities to my steed/starship, I mounted multiple cannons that will fire gravity balls and corrosive bio plasma while also adding rapid regeneration so that the ship would be back to optimal functionality within half a minute of recovery.

The mosasaur itself had sky blue eyes and its skin is mainly white with some golden marks, giving it a heavenly appearance. After I completed his design, the great beast floated in the sky like a levitating mountain. It remained stationary as it looked at its creator who was staring back at the beast's gargantuan but majestic form. With telepathy the beast spoke, "My Lord, where do you wish to travel to?" While I created him, I gifted him the ability of telepathy and instant teleportation. The mighty divine beast can teleport millions to any location by simply blinking an eye.

"I wish to travel into space." Shortly after, it responded, "Your will be done Creator." A short flash of light engulfed me as I was teleported to the golden seats within its glass dome. The dome had a high mana concentration, causing me to feel calm and my thoughts perfectly clear. I took deep breaths to smell the fragrant air within the dome. It was like the early morning added by the sweet scent of vanilla. "Haaa, this creating thing is amazing." The soft surface of the seat caused me to melt onto it in relaxation while the air seemed to take away all the tension in my muscles.

The divine beast began to rise as it swam up through the sky at great speeds. The clouds parted for the beast, for they do not want to impede their creator's grand steed. Despite the divine beast moving vertically up the cloud, no motion or changes are felt inside the glass dome. The creator admired the clouds in the sky, a byproduct of his children's powers. While the beast is swimming its way to space, the creator thought of its name. He had been quite an enthusiast on dinosaurs especially on the mosasaurus genus.

"Maybe I should call it Yam, based on the canaanite sea god." Once they have exited the outer atmosphere, the titanic beast alerted its creator telepathically, "We have reached your destination my Lord." The creator stood up and held the golden key in his right hand. The key emitted a calming aura that could slowly dissolve even the most violent of storms within one's mind. Before he activated the key, he thanked the divine beast, "Thank you, Yam. Please wait for me here." Before the beast could humbly reply to its creator, he had left through a golden door that collapsed once he had closed it from the other side.

At the other end of the golden door is an endless void. Like the pocket dimension that contained the endless sea of chaos energy and the creator's abode. "Let's make seven heavens. One for each virtue." I opened the menu and visualized the seven heavenly realms. Each heavenly realm possesses an endless array of golden clouds and a clear blue sky. I decided to make a law while I'm at it. All beings who die will have a certain amount of lifespan as a spirit. If these spirits do not enter an area with an abundance of spiritual energy, these spirits will eventually reincarnate once their own energy runs out.

The energy would be measured in points and each point correspond to a year of existence. Each year, the energy will drain on its own. Unlike living beings, absorbing spiritual energy will increase the amount of energy to full capacity. Increasing a spirit's energy capacity requires a spirit to devour another or a shard of another. The default number of spiritual energy is always ten times of the spirit's natural lifespan when the spirit was alive. Also, too much spiritual energy may shatter spirits into multiple, weaker spirits. After placing the law of spiritual energy, I made each heaven possess an immense concentration of spiritual energy that can regenerate in seconds.

The amount is so high that based on my law, spirits can never lose spiritual energy in any heaven even if they use more than their own capacity. However, it may cause the spirit to fragment into many smaller ones in accordance to the law. I named the heavens according to my version of the seven virtues. The seventh heaven, the highest is known as the heaven of faith where those who follow the two greatest laws of God will reside in. I designed this heaven to have an endless arrays of magical floating continents with majestic white and golden structures of every culture and race.

Statues of my primordials, Tiamat and Yam decorate some cities. Clear rivers flow from the center of each city with magical fish swimming within the clear waters. I also added magic forests and gardens with magical and holy creatures that exist peacefully alongside or near the white cities in other islands. Glowing lines and orbs of yellow, orange and gold decorate the buildings. This will be the abode of the Cherubim and Seraphim, the strongest order of my angels. The seventh heaven would extend infinitely to all directions. As for my sixth heaven, it only lacks the more majestic animals such as titan beasts and heavenly dragon kings.

The sixth heaven will be the abode of the weaker Cherubim and the order of the Thrones. This will be known as the heaven of kindness. Those who might be quite arrogant but otherwise a very kind person, this is the place where one would end up in. As long as the person does not hold any feeling of envy on death, they will enter the sixth heaven. This heaven is also infinite in size. The fifth heaven has no giant beasts and houses a different order of angels but is otherwise the same as the sixth heaven. This heaven is the abode of the Dominion and the stronger Virtue order of angels and is known as the heaven of mercy. Those who do not harbor any hate to another mortal during their passing, will enter this heaven.

The fourth heaven is only horizontally infinite. Its vertical height is a million light years, a property shared by the lesser heavens. To avoid overpopulation of spirits, I also gave the fourth and lesser heavens the ability to expand according to the amount of inhabitants present. This heaven lacks heavenly dragons and is the abode of the Virtue and the Power order of angels. I name it as the heaven of works. Mortals who repented and lived a life of diligence will enter this heaven. Below the fourth is the third heaven, no hybrid beasts and dragons are present in the third heaven. This heaven is the home of the angel order of Principality and will be known as the heaven of benevolence.

Those who live a life of charity or repent from the sins of greed shall be awarded with eternal life within the third heaven. The second heaven possesses no magical beasts of any kind and has smaller islands compared to the higher heavens. The order of the archangels are stationed in here, the heaven of temperance where people who live a life of temperance or repent from the sins of gluttony shall live in after their mortal demise. As for the lowest heaven, only herbivores exist and the cities appear less majestic than the higher heavens. Only the normal order of angels are stationed in this heaven. For those who lived a life of chastity or those who resist the temptations of lust or repent from it.

With my designs completed, I opened my eyes to appear in the seventh heaven. Floating continents with vast magic forests, lakes and hills decorate the heavens alongside the golden clouds. Grand white cities with golden structures and designs inhabit the islands alongside the magic biomes. Heavenly dragon kings both of eastern and western type dance throughout the skies. Great white titans with golden marks or armor float around the clouds like an army waiting to be called. The forests are filled with heavenly beasts of different shapes and sizes. Predator and prey exist peacefully as hunger, pain and thirst disappears and only joy can be found in the heavens.

"Good. This is perfect." I felt great joy and satisfaction in creating such a paradise. A place with no pain, fear and suffering. The only thing it lacks are angels to guard and beautify it in case of imperfections when I designed it. Apparently, the absolute creation ability could turn incoherent thoughts coherent, allowing me to get designs from my mind that are forgotten or partially forgotten or have a lack of detail. If not, I would've spent a ton of time in designing the heavens. Before I start creating the angels, I should create the Seven Heavens, the great rulers of the heavenly realms.