More Creations and Dragons

In the fish filled sea, a beautiful mermaid swam around. She spun, dived and jumped like a happy dolphin. The water and sea life around her would dance to her movements, like backup dancers in this underwater symphony. The creator had been swimming and enjoying the early Silurian age for over a month while placing the third generation of titans in the sea.

In this age, plants have begun to live on land but are still located near water bodies as they have not completely evolved to handle that. This is the age when the fish, still armored, diversified and giant sea scorpions evolved. Also, she had been swimming a few million years after the great Ordovician-Silurian extinction event that wiped out around 85% of marine species. Of course, since he created the world, he is aware that the correct number is 82.1%.

Also, it was thought to be mainly caused by glaciation, which is more commonly known as an ice age. In reality, it was actually caused by the cooling which did not produce an ice age but instead released a large amount of acidic material into the sea through a crack. It resulted in the sea's Ph level to gradually drop down to 5.7, causing a mass extinction event over the millions of years. Luckily, it only took warm summers to eventually reseal the crack and restore the ocean's Ph back to 7.2.

Over the month, she gained thousands of pictures from the silurian age. From swimming with armored, jaw less fish to wrestling with giant sea scorpions. The creator also took a whole batch of two thousand silurian land plants of different species to keep and then place it in his home later on. He really needs to expand and visit the place more often.

He swam towards land and followed a small river before surfacing in an ancient marsh. The marsh was far smaller than the average one, only the size of a basketball field. The marsh had a healthy population of the first land plants, causing a large carpet of green to surround the garage sized pond. As she surfaced, the moist, clear air entered her nostrils and a delighted expression rose on her face.

"Ah, fresh, natural air. For once in a while, I don't have to smell polluted air like back on Earth." Once she had stepped upon dry land, the goddess had immediately transformed into the Chaos Heaven in a flash of golden light. The creator felt that the world is still too small. He flew up into space and used absolute creation to make the planet three times larger, thus making it having nine times more surface area.

That means that there are nine times more things to explore. Also, he created more moons, two of which are habitable and earth sized while the rest are uninhabitable and with various sizes ranging from normal moon sized to twice earth's size. In total, there are now seven moons. The first habitable one will be the moon world, a place where he would place moon elves, lycanthropes and Lunarites, a species of light elementals that roam on the moon.

These three species will act as the moon's sentient races. The moon's wildlife would consist of rabbits, deers, wolves, bears, mice, jackalopes, koi, sharks and other animals with a relation to the moon and or look good in white. All animals in the moon would be white or very light colored and possess golden, yellow or orange markings. These markings would shine in the dark through bioluminescence.

Also, all moon animals are capable of using weak light spells instinctively. The older the animals, the stronger the spells are and the more spells they would have. All moon animals are very long lived and can reverse their ageing by devouring many other moon animals or by drinking the rare moonwater that only appears in small ponds that are no bigger than swimming pools in size. The landscape also lacks deserts or wastelands, which are completely replaced by rocky terrain made of gray and light gray moonstone.

All metals that are gray or similarly colored are four times as abundant here than on earth. As for the other moon, I name it the Garden of Blood. The moon's rocks are generally in a red hue and the plants are more reddish than their earth counterparts. This place is full of dark mana, as it is connected to Hell.

Demons are capable of entering this land without rejection but this only applies to lower demons and half demons. The Garden of Blood will be the home of blood demons, ghouls and other cannibalistic undead. There are humans there, but they are longer lived and reproduce faster. Most of their population are girls and I won't tell you why yet.

As for the wildlife, they consist of animals associated with evil, danger and or death. Creatures like chimeras, hydras and other evil mythical creatures roam the blood red landscape. The moon is rich with oil, copper and silver. Silver being abundant to prevent the humans from being hunted to extinction as I plan to make the demon and undead races weak to silver.

Got inspired from the typical fantasy demon and undead stuff. Also, a massive dark castle resided on one of its mountains, an abode for something that relates to my future plans for the world. After creating those, I decided to venture out into the galaxy. Two orbs of light and darkness began orbiting the angel as her speed is multiplied tenfold with every passing second.

The light of stars began to transform into long bright lines as she surpasses lightspeed. The creator wanted to make eleven alien civilizations to appear in the future. With the oldest one appearing 36,000 years before mankind and the youngest one to appear only 3,000 years before mankind. Each one would be placed at a sector of the galaxy, with the galaxy possessing twelve sectors.

Each sentient race would have their appearance randomized. Only time and their home planet's natural conditions could tell what they would become. Realizing that competition would be fierce once the civilizations would make contact with each other, he increased the amount of stars in the galaxy into 10 trillion. One hundred times more things to explore and conquer.

Also, he created more galaxies, each containing 300 billion to 3 trillion stars. The distance between galaxies ranges between 22 million light years to 360 million light years. One ten of these galaxies will have a guaranteed spacefaring civilization and all life existing in those galaxies are either in their equivalent of the mid cambrian period to their early triassic period. I want the other galactical civilization to have a head start or to start later so that they can find the remains of others like them.

In total, there are 100 quadrillion galaxies, making the matter filled universe being a hundred times larger than the current observable universe. Also, I imbued the universe an expansion force that will multiply the amount of existing galaxies by 1,000 every month. This expansion also increases the distance between galaxies by a light year per year and all galaxies will never be more than 1 billion light years apart. If they reach their limit, they would drift back at a fourth of the first speed and reach no closer than 24 million light years before drifting away again.

This is what I made as a form of illusion for universal expansion. As mentioned before, the laws of physics remain the same but there are some things that I will change using magic. After creating much of the universe and its ever expansion, the Chaos Heaven returned to the original world and instead of sleeping, she fast forwarded time in the universe towards the mid devonian age. This is the age of the armored fish.

She dived into the sea head first while transforming into the True Goddess of the Sea. Her entry into the sea is welcomed by the skies clearing and a massive surge of water followed by eight tidal waves. As she entered the deep blue, the goddess began to swim towards the old reef. In the devonian age, there was much to see. Especially with the new world expansion done millions of years ago.

Due to that, she spent four months exploring the larger devonian age. More pictures and videos were taken, documenting the important or cool species of this age. The titans created are much more diverse. With multiple titan species based on the various armored fish of this age, looking like living battleships clad in dark grey armor.

Especially the dunkleosteus titan, which looks like an armored battleship with shear like teeth ready to bite off a large chunk of titanic sized ships. The titan population during the devonian is quite spread out and only one titan ecosystem exists. This ecosystem is located near where the mediterranean would be in the world map. The non titan life in the ecosystem are mana enhanced.

This makes it possible for the titan ecosystem to exist in the 200m to 500m deep area. Also, the mana enhancements make the area just as bright as being 10m to 25m below. As she moves gracefully within the water, massive figures move around her. A fast moving anomalocaris titan chases down a small group of trilobite titans scurrying away in different directions.

The pursuing titan fires a bolt of energy from its jaws, striking the armor of an escaping titan. The titan's exoskeleton shortly glowed blue as the bolt's pulse courses through its blood vessels and paralyzing the motor receptors. As a result, the trilobite hit stayed immobile as the anomalocaris titan approached it and snatched it with its massive appendages, before crushing it and pushing it into its jaws. Since the trilobite titan is only slightly smaller, the predatory titan would not need to eat another again for at least two weeks.

As she explores more of the reefs, she could see orthocone titans that looked like a kraken but with a cone shaped shell. There were some cambrian fish titans that looked like bony aliens swimming around. This ecosystem is about 2,756 square kilometers in area. It has a diverse set of biomes such as kelp forests, mini trenches, grand reefs and even intricate, bioluminescent caverns.

After completely exploring the age of armored fish, the creator fast forwarded again to enter the middle carboniferous age. This was the age when the first amphibians and land animals emerged. Also, this is the age of the early forests where these ancient land animals lived in. The creator spent a year here and used his justice prophet incarnation to walk amongst his creations.

Many pictures and even some specimens are taken. While walking down the ancient forest, a thought emerged in the creator's head. 'Why not make a book recording all this?' With absolute creation, he created a book that would document every species from the beginning of the world until the dinosaur's end.

Currently, the book's size is already far larger than the average human in height and its pages have reached around the hundred thousands. Seeing that it's too huge, the creator split them into 72cm tall, 48 cm wide books. Each book containing 36,000 pages. Due to this, the book is split into almost a hundred volumes containing even dna structure of the documented species.

Each book appears as a large book with a brown leather bookcover. Each volume displays its five most important species on its cover looking so realistic, that it'll look like it was trapped in time. To store them, the creator manifested a sentient pouch he named as Belphesloth, based on the demon of sloth, Belphegor. The bag looks like a cute, realistic doll of a brown furred cross between a baby grizzly bear, a cute koala and the cutest dog.

It's appearance is similar to Belphemon Sleep Mode of digimon since the creator is a great fan of the shows and the series in general. This doll bag thing will act as a reminder for him to watch digimon in the future when he takes a break or something like it. When the creator brings the book closer to the doll, it yawns cutely before sucking all the books in like a black hole. If he wants to take something out, he just needs to say the very specific magic words.

"Belphy, volume one." The doll immediately sneezes and the object quickly manifests in front of the doll. He asks Belphy to absorb it into its seventh dimensional pocket vacuum. After it does so, the creator pets the dolls head and praised it, "Good doll. Who's the cutest thing in the world? You are! Yes you are." Truth be told, the doll is actually sentient and would respond to praises from its creator.

The proof of that is that it purrs happily and smiles in content. After that, the creator transforms into the Chaos Heaven and begins fast forwarding once more but this time, it would be fast forwarded to the birth of the first reptile. The creator intends to make the dragon race begin around this moment. After fast forwarding time, the creator immediately enters the empty realm that is Nagaloka and summons Tiamat.

The purple dragon primordial quickly arrives in a burst of purple flames. She immediately bows and asks, "What does the creator need from my insignificant self?" The creator then created two dragons, as the two co-progenitors of the dragon race. The dragon primordials Leviathel and Exdrassil.

Leviathel appears as a blue scaled eastern dragon with a total of seven pairs of webbed feet along its 1200km long body. The dragon had eight eyes that shone yellow with endless might and divine power. The dragon had three rows of sharp teeth, with each teeth the size of mount everest. Its maw looked so powerful that one could feel pain from just looking at it.

The dragon had seven large horns, with the largest situated above its snout like a spear. Its very breath causes an ocean of blue hellfire to pour forth. The second dragon primordial is Exdrassil. Exdrassil is a white and muscular western dragon with holy, golden marks and lines decorating its holy figure.

The dragon stood upright and had twelve pairs of golden angel wings. It held a grand sword on its right hand decorated with gold and other precious items, radiating infinite divine power. The dragon is 360km tall and measures 480km long. The two great dragons stood before the creator and Tiamat, quickly bowing in reverence at these two greater beings.

In his Chaos Heaven form, the creator spoke, "Leviathel, Exdrassil, my creations. I give you both the task of becoming the dragon primordials alongside Tiamat as the ancestor of all dragons no matter their power and status." The creator continued, "Both of you shall mate with Tiamat and she will birth the first dragons in existence."

Turning his head towards Tiamat, he said, "Tiamat, you may not return home with your siblings until the birth of the 7th generation of dragons." Back to the other two, he commanded, "As for the two of you, you are not allowed to leave the realm of nagaloka and you are allowed to shape it in any way you wish. Now please, begin the process of procreation so I won't have to accidentally see things I don't wanna see later." After they bowed in compliance, the dragons began to mate.

As they approached Tiamat, the creator warped away and appeared back in the world, this time heading towards the empty worlds. The male dragons fought with one another in order to decide who will go first. The battle lasted for millions of years as their attacks gradually formed the world's laws and landscape. Time moved faster in this world as one year outside would correspond to a million years here.

However, time will slow down by 10¼ times every time a new generation is born, slowing down until the time matches with the general time of all planes. The two dragons are beings who could wipe out infinite universes with ease and if they worked together, they could fight in an eternal stalemate with all the forces of the heavens including the Seven Heavens. Only the primordials could erase them while anything else would only be able to seal them permanently at most. After the battle ended, Leviathel emerged victorious by chance.

After they took turns, the three primordials began to shape the world as they await for the dragon eggs to be layed. After a billion years, a thousand eggs were layed and they radiated great power that could collapse a great amount of universes by simply existing. Thus, the dragon race had started.