Prelude to War

For the entirety of the human stone age, the creator had departed the world for distant stars. He came to the realm of his swarm of demons for securing his power among the stars above. Two thousand years of tending to them has blessed him with outstanding results.

Incarnatio, Goshen Aleph System,

Zerg Capital World

7:38 am

The skies of Incarnatio were pale yellow, filled with transparent rain clouds that accepted the golden radiance of the twin suns. Grayish purple creep dominated the vast, diverse landscapes, covering from the depths of the abyssal seas to the most lofty mountains on this world. Tree like spires with green, orange, red and blue colors augmented and decorated the otherwise boringly uniform land.

The towering Hatcheries and Hives formed congregated settlements, surrounded by supplementary buildings from the simple spawning pools to the massive ultralisk caverns. Zerg of all breeds patrolled the nearby lands, guarding the commanders of this hivemind species from any external threats.

Mutalisks patrolled the yellow skies in massive, black clouds of death whose constant screeches are akin to the wail of banshees heralding death. Alongside these dragon like monstrosities, new air breeds protected the skies in the form of swarming nightmares.

Corruptors, an addition to the swarm upon their ascension to the sixth tier of evolution.

A brain like mass with sharp, snapping beaks and black dangling tentacles. Thick orange ink sacs are spread around its mass like uncontrolled tumors, avoiding the tentacles. Within these tentacles are muscle fibers laden with cancerous growths that consume the surrounding tissue to generate anti gravity.

Through the generation of a powerful magnetic field, gravity is negated upon the corruptor and so, the octopus like abominations can fly freely across the skies. Though the corruptors seem vulnerable with its ink sacs, they contain extremely corrosive substances and the parasitic spores nurtured by these liquids. To attack, the corruptors unleash a parasitic spore to latch upon the enemy and devour it, weakening its defenses for an easier kill.

These spores are equally fatal to both living enemies and mechanical enemies. Living enemies would be slowly consumed by the cancer causing spores, leading to an agonizing death. The mechanical would be afflicted with malfunctions after malfunctions, until the machine explodes into a spectacle of fire and charred pieces.

At the end of the system's zerg evolution, corruptors were granted spore charges, significant improvements and FTL travel. A corruptor can store up to three charges of spores to unleash upon their first attack, possessing an augmented range of 36 km which is twice their usual range. These charged spores also possess an explosive effect that triggers upon the corruptor's death or the lack of it within a 1,000 km radius.

Other improvements from its usual starcraft version was increased durability, damage output and mobility. This corruptor has eight times the durability, three times the damage and five times the mobility. In space, they possess twice their starcraft version's top speed and two and a half times the maximum acceleration, which are 89,937 m/s and 4000 g respectively.

Its inbuilt FTL allows the corruptor to make multiple short jumps of several light years by entering hyperspace. In order to accommodate all these modifications, the corruptor is enlarged. Now, its length including tentacles is 28.6 m.

Another monstrosity guarding the skies are the vipers. Masters of parasitic and chemical attacks, the vipers are vital support that could overturn the tide of battle with the right combination of spells.

Initially defenseless, the Swarm's evolution has gifted it with augmented abilities and energy regeneration alongside normal attacks. The dragonfly like zerg gains a spore projectile attack that functions by latching upon enemies and digesting the target to produce a cloud of toxic gases into the battlefield. Though a very slow attack speed, it is balanced with an extremely long range of 108 km.

A sufficient amount of spores can terraform the battlefield and even the planet itself into a toxic wasteland, allowing the zerg to win a war of attrition and force the occupants to retreat or perish. As the teachings of the creator dictates, vipers will be used en masse against biological enemies in order to achieve swift victory.

Vipers distort the path of all incoming projectiles within a 10 m radius from it, acting as the vulnerable lich's main defense mechanism.

Then, we have the brood lords, enhanced to 120 m in length with the swarm's final evolution. Brood Lords gain impenetrable armor designed to repel sniper bullets and condensed attacks. During simulations conducted by the creator, the main cause of brood lord death are from snipers and the like.

Single shots and projectiles carrying immense power hitting the correct spot to cripple, if not outright kill the brood lord. Its modified bone carapace and flesh renders kinetic based attacks obsolete and concentrated energy as less effective.

Another weakness, its movement speed, has been resolved. Brood lords move twice faster and possess FTL, though with longer jump range and up to twenty charges instead of only several. This allows them to escape when wounded and return upon recovery for about ten times, making guerilla tactics a feasible solution.

The brood lords used to be completely defenseless against air units, but now, it becomes a good counter to fighter craft and a threat to larger vessels. It now fires four at a time, broodlings, a nightmarish cross of shrimp and manta ray with a voracious appetite and ceramite rending claws. These broodlings are much more arthropod like than their spawners, who appear as massive brownish manta rays with three large lines of bone carapace and twelve spawning sacs upon its back.

These broodlings can target aircraft via a modified propulsion system that increases the flung broodling's speed and triples the impact damage. By extension, this grants it 60 km range in space and a nasty impact force.

To increase effectiveness, broodlings can last a day before expiring in an explosion of caustic acid and their victims are inserted with parasitic eggs that will violently burst out into more broodlings. With this, several brood lords can easily overwhelm the world's defenses and reduce significant losses.

The last five members of the sky patrol are the guardians, long range ground and air artillery, devourers, agile anti capital ship unit, scourges, kamikaze air units, eldritches, psychic air strain and tauzors, massive ramming air units.

The Zerg Capital increased its defenses, spawning more units to guard itself and the neighboring systems. In the coming two hours, the creator himself with meet his most highest of creations, the greatest leaders of the zerg factions. In a historic meeting, the swarm will finally be given a new directive after ten thousand years of constant expansion and preparation.

The attending leaders are all the greatest rulers of the swarm, the most exalted leaders of the major zerg factions.

Praelis, Swarm Empress of the most ancient Pralaya Brood, a semi psychic brood that calls upon the rending might of the dissolution element to devour their enemies defenses into oblivion. The swarm capital is located on the world of Matsya, the fifth world of the Nihil Omega.

Kalama, Swarm Empress of the almighty Indominus Brood, a psychic brood that bends the realm of souls to its will, and a great threat to both material and immaterial gods. The very existence of this brood results in Kalama's ascension as a powerful goddess in the Immaterium, a being who could easily crush the young deities of this world. The swarm capital is located within the Immaterium, a massive god realm called Sophranai.

Shinokuma, Swarm Empress of the universally feared and mysterious Abaddon Brood, a psychic group of ever evolving warriors whose tricks and illusions are far to real to be fake. Shinokuma is also a powerful immaterium goddess and her brood resides within the dark and fiery realm of Shitohono.

Kilysa HaRahab, Swarm Empress of the titanic Leviathan brood, a massive brood of aerospace units that could easily muster a fleet of billions at will. They are the largest threat in space combat and in battle against them, death is almost certain. The Unending Fleet's headquarters are upon the world of Megilloth, the seventh world of the Eshurin system.

Zhashrin, the Cursed God, leader of the demonic Forsaken Brood, a psychic brood of demonic zerg whose very presence warps and changes the battlefield. No member of the brood truly dies and with each death, ten new daemons enters the battlefield. They reside within the realm of death and decay, Interitus.

Archonas, representative of the Court of Endless Change, the only community of Evolution Masters that designs and evolves the swarm's essence to strengthen the race as a whole and as separate broods. They are experts in the art of gene manipulation and Spiritus, allowing them to design pyschic breeds and physical breeds with breath like ease. They reside within the immaterial realm of Torus, guarded by their customized guardians.

The six leaders are set to arrive on 9:00 am to meet the creator in the planet's living palace. Each of them will be escorted by a fleet of ten thousand flagships to the planet, only a few minutes of hyperspace away.

A massive escort ship is required because the creator designated the swarm's galaxy as a testing and training ground for the gods. A place for them to unleash their newest techniques and most horrifying creations. It is also a place for the most dangerous of prisoners and evils to be cast into, becoming catalysts for the zerg's evolution.

Since the early years of Nethari civilization, dozens of gods have emerged and with them, hundreds of devils and powerful spirits too. According to their mythology, they warred in the heavens and the good spirits and the gods are victorious, casting the devils and the evil spirits out of the heavens. As a result, these devils and evil spirits descended upon the zerg galaxy.

They would arrive in sudden cosmic storms that enlarged the galaxy by adding several systems. The greater the banished, the more systems would be added to the galaxy. Over the course of billions of enemies, the galaxy had tripled in size and the Swarm had evolved to their current might.

Their first threat that arrived was the Sun Swallowing Devil, the first casualty of the heavenly war. Like its name suggests, the Sun Swallowing Devil could eat stars in a matter of minutes by engulfing them. Its arrival was heralded with the addition of a billion stars.

It made landfall upon the frontier world of Mara IV in the eastern fringe, swallowing its sun after a short confrontation with the system's zerg fleet. Ten leviathans opened fired on it and gorged out millions of zerg flyers, ranging from mutalisks to brood lords. The battle was quickly ended when the fleet's attacks merely scratched it and the titanic demon decided to eliminate them all.

Three strikes from its long, sharp tongue easily devoured the whole army. The command organisms were evacuated and the rest were converted into scourges as an attempt to injure it. A billion scourges left orbit and crashed upon the devil, resulting in a spectacular explosion rivaling that of a supernova.

7.4 terratons of explosives detonated simultaneously, causing a great but silent explosion within the darkness of space. Despite the brilliant light show, only a small cut showed upon the world sized demon. Luckily, the zerg were without morale, or this failure would really affect their pride.

The hyperspace FTL of the zerg allows them to travel 2 light years per minute, and their communication is instantaneous even over thousands of light years. The broodmother was alerted and the swarm became aware of the new threat. Soon, the Swarm's whole might was mustered to deal with the threat and the rising broodmothers are all excited for the first enemy since the heretic zerg.

It took them 3 years and the destruction of a hundred systems to defeat the threat, and the swarm began utilizing psychic abilities ever since. They were given a year of reprieve before two enemies entered the south region. Then, enemies would arrive after every month and the swarm hunted them all, eager to evolve through the violent catalyst of war.

An hour and a half passed, the fleets of the supreme leaders arriving into the system.

The first to exit hyperspace was the escort fleet of Praelis, the empress of the Pralaya brood. In short bursts of magenta light, ten thousand zerg starships arrived within the system. Clouds of almost liquid smoke billowed from the massive forms of these starships, the distinct mark of the Pralaya brood.

Half of the fleet consisted of the fish and whale like leviathans, while the other half was made up of new starships engineered into use by the evolution masters.

Aurolisks, 15 km long zerg cross between an auroch and a colossal squid. Modified flesh and plates of specialized bone carapace make up its structure. A special psychic field around this unit forces the enemy ships to prioritize attacking the Aurolisk instead of the other ships in the fleet.

Aurolisks are engineered to have extreme regeneration, even compared to roaches. Even if they were cut in half, the Aurolisk can reattach the wound in half a minute, making the hulking behemoth a hard thing to kill.

Also, its tank role in fleets is also because of their skin and armor, modified to gain greater resistance to incoming attacks with every consecutive assault. If incendiary weapons were used against it, the Aurolisk will eventually develop immunity to the weapon unless alternate weapons are used. Since alternating weapons could be used to an advantage, Aurolisks were also engineered to develop resistances in only affected areas, so that diverse arsenals would be less effective against this zerg form.

Medusa, 8 km long gulper eel with many protruding spines and 35 pairs of spiny fins. The sheer amount of spine turrets on it gives it a primary role in eliminating enemy fighter craft and overwhelming enemy flagships with the sheer amount of 3 m to 50 m long spines being hurled at hypersonic speeds. The brain power required to accurately manage all these spine turrets causes a Medusa to only have a carrying capacity of 10,000 humans.

The rate of fire from each turret is 10 times per second and there are approximately 260,000 spine turrets arranged systematically upon its sleek, serpentine form. If all are active, the rate of fire would be at least 2,600,000 spines per second. Added by the fact that it only takes a dozen or two dozen microseconds to process the attack trajectory, the accuracy rate of these spines easily reach the 90% margin.

Also, these spines would decompose after a certain amount of time or after a certain stimuli, releasing corrosive gas extremely effective against metal targets. The ionically charged and unstable acid gas causes all the mobile electrons to be taken away from the electron lattices, causing metal sheets and lattices to immediately collapse. The effects are visible in real time and like an enzyme, the gas will keep performing the reaction unless the temperature reaches plasma transformation or freezes the gas solid.

If these decay in space, they will form gas clouds which damage the exterior of fighter craft and collapse its engines after several seconds. Also, electrostatic attraction makes it almost impossible to remove once a fighter craft travels through the cloud. As overpowered as this sounds, a sufficiently expert pilot can disable a few turrets before dying as these turrets are quite vulnerable to light, instantaneous attacks.

The largest asset of this fleet would be the Tiamats, 36 km to 72 km long psychic zerg space dragons that act as flagships. They have many glowing lines and markings etched upon their body, designed to allow each Tiamat to efficiently control its tremendous psychic might. Broodmothers and their cerebrates usually ride these during major confrontations.

A second after Praelis' fleet arrived, two tears in reality sprung into existence and countless zerg spirits and demons gushed forth, escorting two fleets of ten thousand living starships. The eyes of each starship either shone with red or blue energy, and their forms are either blackened like a demon's or angelic. The fleets of Kalama and Shinokuma have finally arrived within the system.

Then, the gargantuan fleet of Kilysa warped into existence. Unlike their usual counterparts, these ships are much larger and were outfitted with specifications designed to heighten their roles within a fleet battle and to remove all vulnerabilities. In short, a counter with no counters.

Shortly afterwards, another rift tore open, pestilent and accursed spirits crawled into realspace. The Cursed God emerged with no fleet, confident that should their enemies come, he would crush them like the ants they are.

Lastly, the fleet of Archonas arrived into the system, ten thousand starships of varying sizes, shapes and designs exited hyperspace.

Then, each flagship moved towards the atmosphere of Incarnatio to drop their powerful occupants. Simultaneously, six figures jumped down from the capital ships, crashing through the toxic atmosphere like meteorites.

Soon, six figures landed gracefully before the Living Palace. The human form of the creator came towards them and said, "So, ready for war?"