

This world is a cruel place.


A place where light does not exist.


A place where happiness remains but a fleeting dream.

In the kingdom of Wistel, a girl sat on the cold, hard ground, her eyes dull and lifeless as the chains that tied her dangled and clanked against the walls of the prison. Not a single ray of light made it's way inside the room, darkness completely covered the area. The girl did not move, staring at the ground blankly. She didn't even look up when the prison door was opened. A man wearing a royal knight uniform made his way inside and nudged at the girl to get up and dragged her out the door after unlocking the chains.

The girl followed the man out while she kept her head down. Who knew how long she walked until she came to the center of an open ground. The place was crowded by people who looked contemptuously at her disheveled appearance.

Arriving at the center, the guard pushed her to the ground and made her kneel as she looked up at the two people sitting on the jeweled chairs.

The man was incomparably handsome and the woman was an unparalleled beauty, truely a match made in heaven. But who knew how many people were deceived for this match to come together?

At the wave of the man's hand, an Eunuch began to loudly recite the imperial decree in his hand.

"Side concubine Iris Silcia on the crime of treason and betrayal of one's country, has incurred the wrath of the Heavens and shall be sentenced to Execution!"


This was their repayment to her?

For all the things she had done for them?

For all the dangers she had faced for them?

Iris stared at the couple as her eyes clouded in utter despair and sadness. She opened her mouth to say something, yet no words came out.

The man looked at her, his tone carried disdain.

"Iris, everyone thought of you as a valiant and honorable general and a virtuous concubine. To think that you would do something as malicious as betraying the country, you deserve a thousand deaths!"

"Sister, I...I never could've thought that you were this kind of person. Even though you were a little arrogant, to think you would cooperate with the neighboring country....even I can't save you anymore!" The beautiful woman also spoke up as she dabbed the corner of her eyes with a handkerchief, but Iris could clearly see the scorn in them.

"Betray...Hahaha, you said i betrayed the country? You want to execute me? Really? What about all that i had done for you, all the contributions i made to the country, to you ascension to the throne? Huh? Leon!?"

Iris spoke up hysterically. Her voice was hoarse and dry, yet the power in it couldn't be concealed. The man named Leon sitting on the jeweled chair simply looked away, as if looking at her for more than a second would dirty his eyes.

"What about all those promises you made to me? That you would always be with me?! They were...they were all lies weren't they?! Even though I...I had trusted you with my heart and soul.., was I really nothing to you?"

"You were never somebody I cared for. I never thought of you as anyone at all. Just because you are delusional doesn't mean i have to entertain your delusions. Guards, commence with the execution!" Leon ordered coldly.

Iris staggered and took a step back. The tears that had threatened to fall were finally streaming down her eyes.

He said she was delusional...delusional.

"Wait! Your Majesty, can I have a few last words with my sister? Just..just a little!" The beautiful woman looked pleadingly at Leon.

"Sure, If that is what Beloved empress Aria wants." Leon looked fondly at the woman named Aria.

Aria quietly got up and elegantly walked towards Iris. She leaned forward and hugged Iris tightly. Looking at the kind-hearted empress hugging the 'criminal', the people all seemed moved, truely befitting the Mother of the Kingdom.

What they didn't know was that while hugging Iris, Aria was quietly whispering in her ears.

"Dear sister, i really pity you. But who told you to get everything that i ever wanted? The throne, the Position as the Empress, even Leon, in the end no matter how great you were, everything was still stolen by me, right? Now just quietly die and pray for a better life next time!"

After being released by Aria, Iris limply fell to the ground, once again with dull eyes. The guard with a long, sharp sword was drawing near her. The blade was raised in the air....


Why did you do this to me?

Discarding me?

No... Not so easily! I will not let you off so easily!

Whether it is a hundred years, or a thousand years!

I will...

Have my revenge!!


A/N: (1) The sound of a sword slash.