Business with the 'Dark Creator'

While Riya was deep in the thinking of her own matters, Iris had already wandered deep into their village. As expected of her father, truely the lowest standered village he had found for them. At least he still had the heart to give them some money.

Keyword: 'some'

It was still a very meager amount. And it was not a monthly supply, but the money he would occasionally drop off. Sometimes it didn't come at all. Thus, the daughter of a powerful and prestigious family of Generals had to work in the fields to feed herself and her daughter-all because she couldn't give birth to a son.

However apparently, the Vinsa family did not know that their daughter was sent to such a place. They were just told that she was recuperating, but nothing of her whereabouts. They probably thought that she was in some place in the mountains, enjoying the scenery and the fresh air while being served nicely.

After roaming around and reminiscing, Iris went to a specific house using her memory. This house was also shabby and worn out, just like the other houses.

After thinking a little, Iris knocked on the door lightly. After a few seconds, no-one opened. She knocked again, harder this time. Still, no-one came. But she didn't knock again, patiently waiting. She knew the personality of this person well, he will surely open the door after some time. True enough, the sound of footsteps were heard. Then, the door was heavily opened. A man wearing ragged clothes appeared into vision. He had black long hair and a long beard. This appearance made him look to be about in his early thirties. His appearance looked like he had been sleeping.

He was impatiently looking at Iris, probably wanting to go back to sleep. Iris internally sighed at him, she felt that he really hadn't changed.

"Mr. Rivas Helain?"

"Yes. And you are?"

"I am Iris Silcia. I presume you already know of the Silcia family?" Iris spoke, her tone soft and polite.

After hearing the word 'Silcia' astonishment flashed through his eyes. He looked at Iris incredulously.

"Iris Silcia? The...3rd daughter of Prime Minister Azer?"

"Precisely." It was no surprise he knew of her. "Would you care to let me inside?"

"Of course" He got out of the path and Iris made her way in and sat down on the chair while Rivas gave her a glass of water and sat opposite to her.

"So, why is the Third Miss of the Silcia family here in such a shabby place? And how do you know of me?"

After a momentary silence, Rivas spoke up.

"My family sent my mother and me here to recuperate."


"Mhm. And of course i know you. Who hasn't heard of the 'Dark Creator' in this day and age?" Iris smiled meaningfully.

"What...what are you talking about, Miss Silcia..?" The man suddenly became panicky.

"I am sure you are very clear of what I am talking about, Mr. Dark Creator. No need to pretend."


Rivas abruptly stood up from the chair, turning over the table in front of him.

" did you...How did you know?!"

He screamed, any trace of sleepiness was wiped clean and his eyes expressed his astonishment and vigilance.

Iris calmly stared at the flustered man in front of her.

'Dark Creator' was an extremely famous swordsmith. His swords were perfect in design, very sharp and long-lasting. They could directly deliver a fatal blow to a person in one strike and they would never rust. Their unique shape and lustrous appearance made them extremely sought after. Whenever Dark Creator made a sword, it was auctioned off at an astronomical price. The man himself remained anonymous, never disclosing even the slightest detail concerning his identity. He also always rejected any sort of business dealings with anybody, always working individually.

This sword business of his started 6 years ago. However for the past year, Dark Creator abruptly vanished. Not a single sword of his was found. All traces of him were wiped out. No-one knew why the great Swords Master had suddenly stopped making and selling swords.

In fact, the truth was only revealed many, many years later.

The Dark Creator had never accepted any sort of offer or made a deal with anybody. Once, a renowned group of assassins had approached him for doing business. They offered a high price in exchange for his services. Of course, the Dark Creator naturally refused. Who would have thought that this would trigger the gang into forceful coercion as they started to hurl threats at him. At first, he wasn't fazed by the threats and continued on his way, but soon the threats came into action as one by one all his subordinates were caught and killed. Though he never told his identity to anyone, he would still personally go to deliver the swords. He would be frequently assaulted whenever he went out. No matter what sort of guards he hired, they couldn't match up to top class assassins. He would be located and hunted down no matter where he went. Not only that, anyone he had contacted would be killed off.

Finally unable to stand the dangers, he quietly left the capital and came to live in a poor village. In order to remain hidden, he never displayed any of his wealth and always stayed the way other villagers did-as a pauper. He worked in the fields like everyone else too.

And this 'Dark Creator' was Rivas Helain himself.

"Mr. Rivas Helain, not only do I now that you are the Dark Creator, I also know why you are in this village." Iris spoke in a collected tone while sipping her glass of water. "That group of assassins are still persistently looking for you, you know?"

Rivas was shocked once again. His identity...he had never told anyone. Not even his own family. His subordinates also didn't know his name. Yet this girl of the Prime Minister manor unexpectedly knew of all this, he couldn't comprehend where she got all the knowledge...

Was she an envoy from the group that was after him?!

"Miss Silcia, Whatever the reason you are here for, I'm sure we can...we can talk it out." He was afraid she was also an assassin from that group. He had seen assassins far younger than her anyway. Who knew she would suddenly zap out a blade out of nowhere and claim his head?!

He didn't want to die so early!

Iris looked at his frantic face. She could easily guess his thoughts. This way of overthinking of his really hasn't changed ah!

Actually, Iris and Rivas had known each other in her past life. Not just known, they were even the best of friends! She was a Military General in her past life and he was a Swords master. Due to that, they hit it off pretty well.

As to how she was best friends with a thirty year old man, in reality Rivas was not thirty. Not even close. His actual age-was only 21! It was because of his long haired, beard covered face that he looked thirty something.

"Of course we can talk it out, please sit Mr. Rivas." Iris motioned at the chair with her hand. "First of all, I am in no way related to that group of assassins. Actually, I am here to make a deal with you."

A deal? A business deal? Rivas frowned.

"I'm sorry Miss Silcia, I never accept Business deals. I work individually." He spoke solemnly.

"Mr. Rivas. I think you don't understand your situation yet. At the moment, I hold all sorts of knowledge about you, from your identity and location to your situation. At this moment, I am the Boss, not you. I will make the decision, all the cards are against you. Furthermore, this was not a request, it was a demand." Iris forcefully put down the cup in her hands and smiled, her red eyes glowing dangerously in the color of blood, making her seem incredibly threatening.

Rivas's face turned slightly pale. It was true. If the word about his identity and location got out, not just the assassins, but many other factors could put him in danger. Furthermore, his family...

"What does Miss Silcia want?" He gulped down his saliva and asked carefully.

"Mr. Rivas, I want to start a sword business with you as you may have guessed. You make the swords and i sell them. We divide the profit by 50-50. Is that fine by you?"

As expected, It was a business deal. Rivas sighed. Perhaps he couldn't escape the fate of being forced into business. He should just give up, he couldn't run, couldn't hide and couldn't protect himself. And this time, the enemy knows all about him as well...

"Miss Silcia, I...I would accept, but as you know I am being hunted by a rather strong group of assassins and I really can't afford to start business again. If they found out, they would surely come after me. Al..Also they may target you as well. S-So..." So please take back this ridiculous deal!

"About that group, don't worry. I intend to deal with them myself. You just have to make me good swords." Iris replied offhandedly. She was trying to assure him of his safety, but this made him even more anxious.

"Miss Silcia, please do tell me the details. I really can't work at peace this way." For the peace of his little heart, he needed to know the details. Else, he may just die of anxiety.