The Vicious Nature Hidden Behind A Smile

After long hours of travelling, they arrived at a huge mansion-the Silcia mansion. A flood of memories invaded her brain as Iris got down from the carriage. Yes, this place was the place where they were horribly wronged. The place where her mother mother dies, the place where they were stripped off their property and inheritance. The place where all of her enemies lived.

The mansion gate was huge. It was guarded by 6 guards who slowly opened the door after noticing their presence.

As they stepped inside, they were greeted by the head maid. Iris sneered coldly in her heart looking at the arrogant maid. It was easy to see their status in the family, not to mention a family member, they didn't even send the housekeeper to receive them. Even this head maid, it must've been her grandmother who had sent her, otherwise if her father made the plans, they would have to invite themselves in!

"2nd Mistress, Young Miss Iris, Master and Madam are waiting for you in the main hall. Please allow me to escort you." The head maid said.

"Mother is very tired from the long journey. Escort her to a rest room. I will go to the main hall." Iris replied to her.

Riya had already been weak, now after such an arduous journey, she was visibly staggering. The head maid could see that, but she seemed hesitant.

"Young Miss, this..."

"If my mother collapses due to exhaustion, will you bear the responsibility?" Iris glowered coldly at her.

The maid became panicky after looking at Iris's blood red eyes. It would've been fine if she was a favored maid, but recently, the Old Madam had already been pissed at her. Who knew if she would take the chance to kick her out for disobeying the words of the Young Miss? Though she knew these two were not in favor, with her own position on shaking grounds, she didn't dare to take any risks.

"I-I understand. 2nd Mistress, please follow me."

Riya looked worriedly at her but Iris gave her a reassuring smile and told her to rest. After seeing her mother off, she made her way to the main hall.

After walking a little, Riya realized without the maid's direction, how would Iris go to the main hall? She hurriedly turned around, but saw Iris had already gone.

She didn't know about Iris's past life, how could she know that Iris knew the manor like the back of her hand?

While Iris was passing through the hallways, she received various looks from the servants. She could easily hear them gossip:

"My, who is she? Is she the daughter of the 2nd Mistress?"

"No way! It's her?!"

"What a filthy appearance!"

"Shh! Quiet! She'll hear you!"

"So what! Not like she can do anything to me!"

Those words that in her past life had stung her like a needle, now couldn't faze her at all. To her, these people were just pests, better off ignored. They could be squashed anytime.

Finally, Iris reached the main hall. With an expressionless face, she went inside.The hall was a wide room with chairs and tables. It was the place where guests were received.

On the chair in the center of the room, there sat a middle-aged man with luxurious clothes. He had a stern face and his eyes showed indifference. This man- who had an aura similar to that of Leon, that detestable man, was Azer Silcia, her father. The deep indifference he harbored, was directed at his flesh and blood-related daughter.

On his left sat an old lady in elegant clothes. This women was Sira, her grandmother. In her previous life, she was cold and indifferent to all of her granddaughters so she had almost zero contact with her. But this time, it would be different.

On Azer's right sat the most disgusting, pretentious woman Iris had ever seen. The main wife of Azer- Libera Silcia. The her who was beautiful despite her age, was the one who spoke kindly to her when all others detested her. Or so it seemed. She was the main mastermind behind Aria's every scheme. She was the one who originated the idea of using her and throwing her away to make her daughter the Queen. She was also the one who set Iris's marriage with Leon in place.

Just looking at the amicable smile on her face at the moment, which practically screamed 'Two-faced', Iris could feel her intestines churning in disgust. However, none of these feelings were projected on her fair face.

She smiled at bowed with fake respect.

"Daughter gives greetings to Father, Madam and grandmother. I hope you are in good health."

After giving her greeting, Iris straightened herself to look at their undisguised surprise. They were probably expecting a country girl with no manners who would make a fool of herself, exactly what she did in her past life.

"Hm. Where is Riya?" Azer waved dismissively at her and asked.

"Mother was incredibly tired after the long journey, so she is resting." She replied

"Humph. That impudent woman." He snorted.

...What a jerk.

"Dear child, you must be tired from the journey a well. Come, let Mother guide you to your room. Oh! What light clothing you are wearing! Here, put this on!" Libera got up and looked smilingly at Iris and handed her a fur coat.

The coat looked incredibly soft and warm from the outside, but upon a little inspection, it was rough and coarse from the inside. Clearly it was something Libera had to rummage through her oldest clothes to find. Of course, she didn't want to miss any opportunity to shamelessly display her golden heart that was purer than that of a heavenly angel. But Iris thought this was perfect...

"Thank you Madam, I am truely grateful." She continuously called her 'Madam' instead of mother, which made Libera feel a little humiliated. Nevertheless, she still happily replied: "No problem, dear."

"Liare, guide her to her room to rest." Her grandmother instructed her personal maid.

Iris smiled a little. It was time to give a welcome gift to Libera. She naturally had to repay her courtesy of choosing to giver her a fur coat, else people may call her disrespectful!