The Prince Of Darkness

After giving her a nod of greeting, everyone started their own conversations, ignoring her. Iris didn't linger either, she left to take a small walk in a less crowded part of the ground. She didn't really know what happened in this Royal hunt, who participated in it and all. Since she basically knew every other event from the past life, the thrill of the unknown make her feel excited. She walked around a little, before she heard the sounds of an arriving carriage.

As she turned her gaze towards the source of the sound, an extremely big carriage entered her vision. The carriage was even more pretty than the carriage of her house. It had the crest of a dragon, showing that it was of royalty. Iris moved back to the crowded area seeing the arriving party. As soon as she came back, A palace Eunuch came up and announced the arrival.

"His Majesty The Emperor is here! Her Majesty the Empress is here! His Highness the Second prince is here! His Highness the Seventh prince is here! Her Highness the Fourth princess is here!" He yelled out.

Simultaneously, a group of people alighted from the carriage. First came The Emperor, a man in his forties wearing the Grand Crown Of Authority. Following behind him, a two beautiful women came into view. One was the Empress and the other was the Fourth Princess. After them came the Second Prince.

After everyone gave their greetings that were "Long Live The Emperor! Long Live The Empress! Long Live The Princes And The Princess!" Iris directed her gaze to their carriage. She didn't know why, but she felt a strange feeling of relief when she saw that Leon didn't come over. It was probably because his status greatly exceeded hers and that he could easily suppress her...

While she was dazedly lost in her thoughts staring at the royal carriage, she realized that the seventh prince had not come down. Furthermore, no-one seemed to care about this either.

While she was lost in confusion, she suddenly remembered something.

The 7th prince, Azura Wistel. His name, who didn't know in this country. This man was someone who not even the Emperor could control. He was an absolutely unparalleled genius. Whether it was in the military or in the politics, he had achievements that were never surpassed even in her past life! At the age of 4, he shot 3 arrows together, each hitting the bull's eye. At the age of 6, he had defeated the most skilled swordsman. At the age of 12, he solved a problem that had stumped the country for a long time, prompting the Emperor to put him in court. At the age of 13, he highhandedly defeated 20 armed imperial soldiers who had started a rebellion. Not only all this, his looks, God his looks, he was the most handsome man in the entire country! It was a wonder whose genes he inherited, but his looks, like himself, were unparalleled. Overall, he was the most revered man in the entire capital. Many were in awe of his talents.

It was unknown for what reason, but at the age of 14, this prince abruptly vanished from the court. He never attended a single meeting, never participated in any fight, never took part in any of the country's affairs. He became a man that lived in the shadows, rarely appearing unless absolutely necessary. Even the calls of the Emperor were sometimes ignored by him.

However, this didn't make him an existence to be slighted. If anybody, be it a minister or noble, made even the slightest peep in front of him that upset him, they would meet the most horrible end they could imagine. Families would be ruined, property would be confiscated, some were even castrated and killed in the most brutal way! He became an existence not many could approach.

Furthermore, just like the male lead in any other novel Iris had read, he absolutely abhorred women and had a severe to the point of death case of OCD. He was mysophobic to the point that he wouldn't tolerate even an ant on himself. But alas, he was nothing like the male leads other than this. Those caring and affectionate male leads, how was he anything like that?

Iris drooped her eyes a little. Everything she knew about him was from the rumors. This man... was the one prince she didn't know anything about, despite being a princess for so long.

This was because he died extremely early, in his first military expedition. He didn't live long enough to be a hurdle to Leon's ascension to the throne. He died before Iris married Leon.

Had he been alive, Leon would have never ascended.

Iris didn't think any longer about him. As soon as the Emperor was seated, The Eunuch announced that the event had started. Seeing the spectators settling down and the hunters swarming at the horses, she also got up from her chair.

But just as she was about to get down, she saw the carriage door being opened. A man stepped out of the carriage. This man, one look made her hold her breath. He, had a face so handsome and well-made, it seemed that it had been sculpted by God himself! He had long black hair tied up in a ponytail as they flowed down, and deep red eyes, deeper than Iris's. His robes were exquisite and he had an oppressive aura naturally coming off him. His charm would make people gasp in total amazement. His entire face was indifferent, as if nothing could ever faze him, yet he seemed dangerous.

This handsome beyond comparison man was Azura.

Iris was in awe of his handsomeness. This was the first time she had seen the seventh prince in both her lives. Truly, seeing is believing. He lived up to his rumors.

However, the reason why he came out this late...was because of the crowd...?

She was speechless.

His mysophobia really had reached a whole new level.