Aftermath, Memory

The incident of the assassination created an uproar in the imperial court. The Minister of Defense was charged with the responsibility of looking for the criminal. Considering how they easily barged into an imperial banquet, it could be deduced that the culprit was someone who had power and resources.

Furthermore, to blatantly target the Emperor's life without any fear of death, the assassins were undoubtedly professionals.

The nobles were told to guard themselves better for the present, as the assassin's goal did not seem as simple as taking the Emperor's life.

As for the nobles who suffered causalities during the fight, they were all compensated nicely. Though for some of them, the material wealth still couldn't compare to the loss of a heir.

Therefore, the blazing fire of anger burned in their heart as they demanded the assassin's mastermind to be found quickly.

To avoid creating an uproar, the public was told that the assassins who attacked were apprehended and killed.

Although this news was alarming, the people were more interested in gossiping about the newest rising young lady who managed to win the annual hunting competition right after her arrival. Almost everyone in the capital knew about Iris, the girl who broke the records set by some of the most prominent nobles.

This was a major change, as Iris didn't have a good reputation at this point in time in her past life. In her past life she was famous for being trashy and wild. Though this reputation didn't persist even then. After she valiantly became a general, her fame washed over the entire country with every passing victory.

But thinking of it now, what was the point of all of that fame, she was still ruthlessly crushed underfoot.

The waves were turbulent at the Silcia manor as well.

Azer was extremely conflicted. This daughter of his, he had thoroughly abandoned. Yet unexpectedly, she suddenly gained so much influence. He wasn't sure how to treat her now.

Cooking up all sorts of schemes over how to make the best use of her, the prime minister started to distance himself from the household affairs for a period of time.

Unfortunately, this period of time turned out to be the one that required his attention the most.

The banquet was a huge blow for Aria. Not just her anticipated award, even her genius title and frame were stripped away in a second. Not to mention the one who took them was Iris, the one she was least wary of!

Sitting beside her mother in her room, she twisted the handkerchief in her hands strongly, displaying a vexed look.

Libera consoled her daughter, hiding her indignant emotions deep within her heart, "Aria, it's fine, it's okay. Just a streak of luck for that trash, do you really think she's as capable as you? She probably chanced upon some good animals in passing, accidentally hunting them down. Don't take this little defeat to heart. It's just some hairpin, not like that would make her the Empress."

"But mother, this outcome...I simply can't accept it!" Aria spoke unhappily.

If it was just a little victory, it could still be bearable, but don't think she didn't see how the seventh prince rushed over to protect Iris, that slut!

Furthermore, the way her looked at her. That gaze, as if she held a special place in his heart, how could she let this go!

The Seventh Prince, the man at the tip of her heart, actually ignoring her and going towards Iris!


She won't stand for it!

"Mother, please immediately do something about her! Some sort of scheme...yes! Mother I have an idea!" Aria exclaimed. She shifted closer to Libera and whispered something in her ear.

Libera smiled slightly at her daughter's suggestions.

When a good for nothing would start to sprout wings, it would be necessary to cut them off to put her in her place!


Iris was unaware of the storm brewing behind her back, as she lazily sat beside her mother eating grapes.

As she peeled one, she realized that as far as her memory told her, she didn't seem to be so fond of grapes. Yet ever since she reincarnated, she oddly had a craving for them, as if she's been eating them for a long time.


She didn't ponder over it too much, her attention had already been focused on her mother.

Riya was fiddling with her hairpin, looking at it thoughtfully. Noticing her weird expression, Iris asked "What is it, Mommy?"

"Iris dear, it's nothing. I just seem to recognize one of the jade stones here, the big center one. I have seen it before. My father showed it to me when I was young, this jade. Though I didn't think it would actually get attached to the Empress' hairpin."


"Mother, you have seen this jade stone? How was that possible? Wasn't this a really ancient hairpin?"

"Yes, well it is. Hmm...maybe I recognized it wrong? But I feel so sure I saw it before..." Riya seemed unsure, but waved it off.

By evening, Iris came back to her courtyard.

It seemed as just a trivial conversation, but Iris couldn't help but think about it. She had a strange feeling after hearing about her mother's memory of the jade. It was just a feeling, but she felt that this bit of information for some reason was very critical.

Her instincts told her something about this was wrong, that she should dig deeper into this matter. She had a bad feeling leaving this matter alone.

And her instincts were never wrong.

Pondering on this matter, Iris was pacing back and forth in the garden, she didn't notice the shadow that disappeared from behind her. A shadow that had constantly appeared and disappeared ever since she had reincarnated.