Life Is Not Fair 2

Everyone started to cheer for the young couple. Just then...."clink" the sound of glass breaking could be hard.

Grace was shocked, she then quickly rushed over to Suzy and held her hands in hers.

"Sis, are you alright?" And then turned to the butler, "Sam get this cleaned up, right away."

"Yes ma'am"

"Sister lets go up stairs, you look very pale, you're making me worried, please say something!" Grace continued to hold her hand while a crowd started to form around them.

Suzy, pulled her hand away and then started to laugh "haha, this is unbelievable, you have the guts to ask me if I'm fine!" She then stared into Grace's ocean blue eyes, "you really are something else! I have given you everything that you have ever wanted to take that belong to me since childhood, but you have got to be joking." She then lifted her hand up "smack" slapped Grace on the face.

"What the hell are you doing?" Park young, yelled at Suzy while running over to them, before grabbing a hold of Grace's waist and hugging her. Grace's eyes became teary as she looked up at Park Young. Park Young's heart started to whimper, by just staring at her teary eyes, he started feel pain in his chest. "Suzy, I have done nothing but be kind to you and you should have gotten the hint when we started to become distant with each other. To be honest I never loved you, so if you have any shame for what you did to my fiancée apologize to her this instant." He yelled. "I love her didn't you hear me, this is exactly why I agreed to do it at this party! People should really see you for who you are, Suzy! A mad woman, who doesn't know her place."

Suzy's face became pale, how did life become so unfair. Her own parents did this to her, they agreed to this. Someone she considered a sister even though she was terribly to her. Suzy then lifted her head up, push through the crowd and rushed towards her room....

She was reminded of that moment while the rain continued to pour on her. "It's okay I am fine, everything well be fine!" She wiped her tears away with the palm of her hands and started walking towards the bar. Still in a daze, she remembered that she had left her hand phone on the bar tender's table. Suzy quickly ran towards the direction, "ouch" her head accidentally came into contact with something that felt like a brick wall. She raised her head while rubbing the area, "what the fuck! bustard can't you see where you're going," Suzy yelled. The handsome man in front of her squinted his eyes and stared at her beautiful little swollen face, suddenly his deep voice came across her ears "mind you speaking for the fact that you're the one who did it." He then chuckled and showed her something will blocking her up against the wall. He had also just left the bar. Suzy looked down at the thing he was flashing at her eyes "that....that's mine, give it back." Just then he lifted her phone high so that she wouldn't be able to reach for it. She tried to raise her right hand to grab it, but the handsome man was insanely tall, probably 1.90m. Suzy continued to try, yet each time he would make it harder than before. Suddenly she had the need to vomit, she tried to push him away so that she could go to the bathroom, but he didn't move. Suzy then crouched down a little to go underneath his arms. Yet, it became useless as he got even closer and lowered his arms further, "you asked for this," Suzy yelled at him and then threw up on him.