Final Days in Yggdrasil

"…We all created this place together. It's the duty of the guildmaster to maintain and supervise it so that anyone can come back whenever!"

"It was thanks to your presence that we were able to enjoy this game to the fullest. … Next time we meet, it would sure be nice if it was in Yggdrasil II."

"I've yet to hear a rumour about a sequel… but I really hope that happens."

"Let's meet again when that time comes! Well then, I'm feeling really really sleepy now, so I'll log out … I'm glad I got to meet you before the end. Have a good game."


For a moment, Momonga was left speechless; however, he gave his final words right away.

"I also had a good time thanks to you. Have a good game."

A smiling emoticon appeared above Meromero's head with a glint. Since there was no ability to change facial expression in Yggdrasil, players utilized emoticons to express their emotions. Momonga operated his console and selected the same emoticon.

Then, Meromero's final words were heard.

"Let's meet again in a different place."

— The last one of the three guild members who showed up today vanished.

Erasing all trace of the visitor, the silence returned to the guildhall. A silence devoid of memories and emotions.

Looking at the chair that Meromero was sitting in just a few seconds ago, Momonga spat out the words he was going to say at the end.

"While I understand that you're tired, since today's the last day for the game and you're already here, can't you stay until the very end—?"

Of course, there was no reply. Meromero had already logged out to the real world.


Momonga let out a sigh deep down from of his heart.

He could not bring himself to say those words.

The fact that Meromero was always tired was sufficiently evident by the mood from their brief conversation. But Meromero saw the mail that he sent and showed up today, for the final day in Yggdrasil. He should be thankful for that alone. Wanting more than this would go beyond being shameless to being a nuisance.

Momonga stared at the seat where Meromero was until a while ago, and then he looked around. What he saw were the 39 chairs where his old comrades used to sit. After the quick look around, his eyes returned to Meromero's seat once again.

"Let's meet again in a different place…"

Let's meet again someday.

See you again.