
I can't believe it. My mom snapped my neck. Why? Why? Why!? Why!!? WHY!!!?

Why did you need to do that mom!? Never in my life I've ever seen her cry like that and suddenly she did that. Also, what does she mean 'after this'? Does she mean by my perpetual darkness and nothingness around me? I can't see anything, I can't feel anything and I can't hear anything, but my consciousness right now. Is this how all the dead feel? Can't do anything but listen to yourself in your mind? Is this hell? I can only weep in my mind.

SIGH. Now, what to do?

All this question keeps circulating inside my head for who knows how long since I've been in this state. My perception of time has long gone out of the window. It's also a miracle I haven't gone insane. Suddenly, I hear a muffle sounds of roar. Countless of roars. Like an synchronized choir the roars reverberates everywhere. Slowly the sound got more distinct and loud.

Yes! My hearing is back. Although not a pleasant sound, at least one of my senses is back. Other than the roaring sound I could slowly could hear chomping sound. Like the sound of crocodile's jaw snapping. It's coming from behind me. What things are making those sound!? It sounds like gigantic creature making it. This is not looking good. What can I do? Also, the next question is where exactly am I? I'm not inclined to believe I'm in Hell yet.

Probably somewhere in the world of the dead? Whatever, my questions are pointless for now. I can't do anything here other than listening to hellish sounds of roars. After who knows how long, without me noticing, the roars are getting more distant. Am I slowly getting away from those things? Yes! I think I am. Feeling kinda relieved. However, my situation is still dire.

Suddenly, I'm starting to feel like something is banging on my head. Never have I felt this is head pain in my life. What's happening now!?


The feeling of pain disappears abruptly as it appears. Now, some of my senses are slowly coming back, like touch and smell. My sense of hearing is getting better and better as I hear sounds more clearly. What am I hearing? Well, the sound of eruptions near you is quite unsettling wouldn't it? Well, bad luck for me. I can feel the ground below me trembles together with those eruptions. Okay, now I can confirm I'm in Hell! I can feel the heat from all around me.

What did I do to deserve this!? I'm a good person!I'm an obedient child! Never have I did anything remotely that big of a sin! Other than not paying for a full WinRAR! So, why am I here? This isn't fair! AARARGAGHAHA!!!

After a few moments of getting my wits back together, now I gotta think what I'm gonna do next. I remember mom said to survive and grow strong as well. Is she saying I'm suppose to survive in this Hell? Well, I guess that's why she was so insistent of me to go learn camping with her. Even though, I really didn't want to.

SIGH. Mom. You've said you'll find me but, when exactly?

For now, I guess let's try to survive this place first. Now, what to do? Wait, there's something I need to confirm first. Why can't I see? Also, Why can't I feel my limbs? For some reason, in my mind I could feel the shape of my body currently, it's like knowing some parts of your body where it is. Right now, I can feel that my body is just a spherical ball........ No, to be exact a flaming spherical ball!

What in the hell!? Ah Shit! Is it possible this is what a soul looks like? If it is, it explains a bit about the wisp being dead people's soul theory. People really do need to appreciate everything they have. I mean, look at me, no head, no limbs, no body, my little boy down there is also gone.

SNIFFLE. I miss my body.