Symposium (2)

Buddha's head, Buddha's head. The head was of special significance in Buddhist scriptures. It cut off all emotions related to love, inherited wisdom and light, and was the root of all Dharma. Touching the monk's head was like touching the dragon's scales — sacred.

Jie Se's face was sullen as his white clothes danced in the air. He was ready to release his pent-up frustrations.

Buddha Head uttered calmly, "Amitabha, endure."

Jie Se restrained his anger, and closed his hands together. "Utmost tolerance leads to ascension. The secular people are not worthy to bicker with. What Master said is right, I have shallow cultivation."

Buddha Head shook his head and said, "I mean, if you can't beat someone else, just bear with it and don't look for trouble."

After thinking about it, he was convinced. "Master sees through the essence of things, and reconciles the truth. I admire you, Master."